I can take it. The tougher it gets the cooler I get.
But Big Oil and Big Coal have always been as skilled at propaganda as they...
Drill everything mine everything roll back regulations tweak the science...
In the United States we do a pretty good job of protecting iconic landscapes...
One thing you can say about nuclear power: the people who believe it is the...
Bloomberg's $50 million is not going to revolutionize the electric power...
The coal industry is an even larger part of the Australian economy than it is...
In reality Republicans have long been at war with clean energy. They have...
When it comes to energy cost isn't everything - but it's a lot. Everybody...
Nowhere has the political power of coal been more obvious than in...
Bloomberg is famously impatient with beltway politics and believes that to...
In the world of energy politics the sudden vanishing of the word 'coal' is a...
The biggest tab the public picks up for fossil fuels has to do with what...
In any crass political calculation drilling for oil will always win more...
With nine degrees of warming computer models project that Australia will...
Australia is the only island continent on the planet which means that...
Have we failed to slow global warming pollution in part because climate and...
Mark Ruffalo aka the Incredible Hulk is the natural gas industry's worst...
Americans don't pay much attention to environmental issues because they...
Obama wants to be thought of as the president who freed us from foreign oil....
One of the big questions in the climate change debate: Are humans any smarter...
Maybe more climate activists will think about the climate change not as an...
Ever since the collapse of cap and trade legislation and the realization that...
Climate change is a global issue - from the point of view of the Earth's...
If you are interested enough in the climate crisis to read this post, you...
Geoengineering - the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the earth's...
Among all the tests President Obama faced in his first term his biggest...
Bill Gates is a relative newcomer to the fight against global warming but...
Extracting oil from the tar sands is a nasty polluting energy-intensive...
In the U.S. alone weather disasters caused $50 billion in economic damages...