Search Results For considerate In Quotes 8

Inconsiderate rude behavior drives me nuts. And I guess the inconsiderate rudeness of social ineptitude definitely fuels my work.

Really big people are above everything else courteous considerate and generous - not just to some people in some circumstances - but to everyone all the time.

I don't think of myself as a role model. I do try to live in a compassionate considerate and positive way. The only advice I can offer is to find what you love to do find the joy in it and express yourself through your passion.

The only good husbands stay bachelors: They're too considerate to get married.

When we ask for love we don't ask others to be fair to us-but rather to care for us to be considerate of us. There is a world of difference here between demanding justice... and begging or pleading for love.

Being considerate of others will take your children further in life than any college degree.

The growth of modern constitutional government compels for its successful practice the exercise of reason and considerate judgment by the individual citizens who constitute the electorate.

I feel beautiful when I'm at peace with myself. When I'm serene when I'm a good person when I've been considerate of others.