Search Results For normal In Quotes 192

I'm not in my element standing around in a bikini in front of strangers. I never stand up in a bikini, even at the swimming pool. I feel like a normal person when it comes to things like that. I'm like any other girl who doesn't want to show her bottom.

Normally street children are shown in terms of the tragedy of their lives - which is true - but there's also another dimension: their wisdom dignity and enormous capacity for survival.

Even when my parents were together they both had to travel and work and it wasn't like they had nine-to-five jobs. In that way it wasn't a normal family life.

For a long time I tried to manage an honesty and openness about my personal life because I'm human and I'm normal - well semi-normal.

I don't want to just be in the normal kind of teen movie.

I mean I'm pretty good in real life but sometimes people seem surprised that I'm like a normal teenager and wear black nail polish and I'm just a little bit more edgy than the person I play on television.

I'm not a tech guy. I'm looking at the technology with the eyes of my customers normal people's eyes.

Today the technology is there to give early and normally ample warning when a powerful tornado approaches. When a tornado strikes all of us are at risk.

Grief is a normal and natural response to loss. It is originally an unlearned feeling process. Keeping grief inside increases your pain.

Though I had success in my research both when I was mad and when I was not eventually I felt that my work would be better respected if I thought and acted like a 'normal' person.

But I think it's more normal for my team to have no success than it is to win two consecutive European cups.

There's something that's sexy about a guy who has the strength to kill somebody but is also vulnerable enough to be in love. It's just those two sides - like I don't know why but women for some reason aren't attracted to normal guys like guys who are in between.

Academics don't normally manage to alter people's way of thinking through their strength of argument.

I'm a huge fan of Chicago sports and Chicago food and I love going home and my family is still there. I guess it's pretty easy to have a normal life in Chicago.

A lot of these angles are really about trying to mimic broadcast sports angles in order to anchor the scene to sort of normalize it before it becomes abstracted.

Why should sports men and women get punished harsher than people in the normal world?

I didn't go to normal children school. I went to sports school when I was 8. So I studied martial arts.

We are all murderers and prostitutes - no matter to what culture society class nation one belongs no matter how normal moral or mature one takes oneself to be.

The basic thing nobody asks is why do people take drugs of any sort? Why do we have these accessories to normal living to live? I mean is there something wrong with society that's making us so pressurized that we cannot live without guarding ourselves against it?

I enjoy jokes smiling and making people smile. I may be a little different but that's OK who wants to be normal anyway?

The goal is to normalize trade relations based on sound science and consumer protection.

Fruitful discourse in science or theology requires us to believe that within the contexts of normal discourse there are some true statements.

It's sad that the most glorious of sexual experiences can make us feel guilty ashamed embarrassed and abnormal.

'I Am Number Four' is an action-packed adventure entwined with a romantic story. I play the role of John Smith. John wants to be a normal kid but he is from a different planet and he has been given this destiny of becoming a warrior.