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Well our position and our chairman has talked about this extensively is that we had a lot of intelligence prior to 9/11. We knew that two al Qaeda operatives who ultimately participated in the 9/11 disaster were in the United States. We didn't find them.

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My dear brother Barack Obama has a certain fear of free black men. As a young brother who grows up in a white context brilliant African father he's always had to fear being a white man with black skin. All he has known culturally is white. He has a certain rootlessness a deracination.

If we fear the unknown then surely we fear ourselves.

A fear of the unknown keeps a lot of people from leaving bad situations.

The course of this conflict is not known yet its outcome is certain. Freedom and fear justice and cruelty have always been at war and we know that God is not neutral between them.

None but a coward dares to boast that he has never known fear.

The one permanent emotion of the inferior man is fear - fear of the unknown the complex the inexplicable. What he wants above everything else is safety.

There is not a truth existing which I fear... or would wish unknown to the whole world.

I have never known any distress that an hour's reading did not relieve.

Those who have known the famous are publicly debriefed of their memories knowing as their own dusk falls that they will only be remembered for remembering someone else.

I'm not unknown yet I'm not super famous where I can't go anywhere.

George Harrison was also a pleasure to work with. He was one of the most famous people I've ever known but in spite of that fame he was such a nice and friendly guy.

In its famous paradox the equation of money and excrement psychoanalysis becomes the first science to state what common sense and the poets have long known - that the essence of money is in its absolute worthlessness.

I think that once you open the door and allow people in on a certain aspect it's very hard to then control how far that ripple effect is. So I think that the person who is known or famous has the ability to decide what they do or don't want to share.

I want to thank all the women who have worn my clothes the famous and the unknown who have been so faithful to me and given me so much joy.

People don't get through to the essence of you right away - it's always the famous 'girl' or the famous 'girlfriend'. I'd rather be known for myself.

Because I think in order to get famous you have to be known for something. Like 'You're the romantic comedy girl' or 'You're the Oscar-winning whatever girl.'

I don't mean being famous is a perk because one knows that it's not necessarily a perk but there are certain perks to being well-known and respected in one's field. Public perks. Like I don't know general friendliness and willingness to please just to point out two.

In the sixties everyone you knew became famous. My flatmate was Terence Stamp. My barber was Vidal Sassoon. David Hockney did the menu in a restaurant I went to. I didn't know anyone unknown who didn't become famous.

I just want to make music I don't want people to talk about me. All I've ever wanted to do was sing. I don't want to be a celebrity. I don't want to be in people's faces you know constantly on covers of magazine that I haven't even known I'm on.

I've always known I wanted a family.

A plague on eminence! I hardly dare cross the street anymore without a convoy and I am stared at wherever I go like an idiot member of a royal family or an animal in a zoo and zoo animals have been known to die from stares.

It's a little known fact that one in three family pets gets lost during its lifetime and approximately 9 million pets enter shelters each year. That's why it's a wonderful thing to get your pet microchipped and registered with your contact information because then they can be located and the owners can track where their pets are.

We give a lot of others significance in our lives even when they don't deserve it. It doesn't matter if they're family or if you've known them forever. If they're not good for you they've got to go.

The God who existed before any religion counts on you to make the oneness of the human family known and celebrated.