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If there's any message to my work it is ultimately that it's OK to be different that it's good to be different that we should question ourselves before we pass judgment on someone who looks different behaves different talks different is a different color.

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I mean the shoe - there is a music to it there is attitude there is sound it's a movement. Clothes - it's a different story. There are a million things I'd rather do before designing clothes: directing landscaping.

There is a single thread of attitude a single direction of flow that joins our present time to its early burgeoning in Mediterranean civilization.

Actually I think Art lies in both directions - the broad strokes big picture but on the other hand the minute examination of the apparently mundane. Seeing the whole world in a grain of sand that kind of thing.

I'm very manipulative towards directors. My theory is that everyone on the set is directing the film we're all receiving art messages from the universe on how we should do the film.

When museums are built these days architects directors and trustees seem most concerned about social space: places to have parties eat dinner wine-and-dine donors. Sure these are important these days - museums have to bring in money - but they gobble up space and push the art itself far away from the entrance.

Film as dream film as music. No art passes our conscience in the way film does and goes directly to our feelings deep down into the dark rooms of our souls.

I would've been intrigued by being a film director. I would've been intrigued by politics. I thought about architecture.

If you examine this I think that you will find that it's the mechanics of Japanese architecture that have been thought of as the direct influence upon our architecture.

In architecture the idea degenerated. Design allows a more direct and pleasurable route.

The work of art shows people new directions and thinks of the future. The house thinks of the present.

I believe that the way people live can be directed a little by architecture.

So while an incredible amount of progress has been made on this fifth anniversary I wanted to come here and tell the people of this city directly: My administration is going to stand with you - and fight alongside you - until the job is done. Until New Orleans is all the way back all the way.

When someone says that I'm angry it's actually a compliment. I have not always been direct with my anger in my relationships which is part of why I'd write about it in my songs because I had such fear around expressing anger as a woman.

People are always angry at America. They're absolutely certain that America either caused their problems or is deliberately not fixing their problems. But the anger is always directed at America and never at Americans.

Guilt is anger directed at ourselves - at what we did or did not do. Resentment is anger directed at others - at what they did or did not do.

Anger is the most impotent of passions. It effects nothing it goes about and hurts the one who is possessed by it more than the one against whom it is directed.

It is wise to direct your anger towards problems - not people to focus your energies on answers - not excuses.

I enjoy looking at words on paper and visualizing how to make them come to life. As a director the creative process is really amazing.

I feel fortunate. I've really gotten to work with amazing talented people and to learn from them which is why I'm doing this. If I can work with the best director I'm going to do it.

I think Chris Weitz is an amazing director and his sensibility - I wouldn't even know how to articulate it - it's just he's a very sensitive interesting guy.

I spend up to two hours a day on correspondence. Hearing from fans on the Internet and being able to directly respond to the fan base is exciting. You can cut out the middle man like the fan club... before a recent appearance in Tyler Texas I had fans reaching out on MySpace offering their lake house Mavericks tickets. It was amazing.

I thoroughly enjoyed working on Enemy of the State. Tony Scott is an important director and has an amazing ability to express himself and he doesn't do it in musical terms he does it in emotional terms. I got along really well with him.

It was at Bell Labs that I first made direct contact with real semiconductor experts and thus began to fully understand what amazing materials they were and what they could do.

If Martin Scorsese calls I am available. And then there the ones well you can just run down the list - any of those Oscar-nominated films they have amazing directors across the board.