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My actions to promote peace the mediation missions which I carried out during many conflicts which very often occurred between brothers of the same country are not driven by any ulterior motives or any calculations based on personal ambitions.

Search Results For girls In Quotes 223

For whatever reason I didn't succumb to the stereotype that science wasn't for girls. I got encouragement from my parents. I never ran into a teacher or a counselor who told me that science was for boys. A lot of my friends did.

Dinner is a great first date. Don't believe that stuff about girls not wanting to eat on a first date - sharing a romantic meal is so sexy.

I think it's great that she's not perfect and wasn't perfect. I think that's maybe why so many young girls and different people look up to Mac and respect her even more.

I have two sisters and a mother obviously so I grew up with a household of girls. Maybe I have a greater respect for women because of it.

It's important not to ditch your mates when you're in a relationship. Lots of girls do it but you need to remember they will always be there for you.

If I get married it's something you really have to work at. It's hard enough to work at having a relationship with best friends and girls that are in the business.

Ah the bond between English boys and California girls. For those of us who aren't either it's a bond that fascinates and mystifies. So much of the world's favorite music comes out of that relationship.

I'm not the same person I was. I used to act dumb. It was an act. I am 26 years old and that act is no longer cute. It is not who I am nor do I want to be that person for the young girls who looked up to me. I know now that I can make a difference that I have the power to do that.

There are so many little girls who follow me and look up to me. I'm their role model so I have to make sure I'm always being professional and not putting any swear words out there - just really putting positive things out there on the Internet.

It has been argued that British girls are incapable of deep feeling or brilliant acting owing to their lack of temperament. This I am positive is not true.

I would like to be a positive force for young girls.

My college Fitzwilliam was pretty good but unfashionable and I lived in digs so I was not part of the cloistered 'old college' environment which frankly was a bit intimidating. But I worked hard and settled in by exploring politics and girls.

A group of us started a community center in Santa Monica. We've tried different programs and three have worked really well. A poetry group. Once a week we visit Venice High and talk to girls at risk.

But one does not make living writing poetry unless you're a professor and one frankly doesn't get a lot of girls as a poet.

It's something we guys have all done. Made tapes for girls trying to impress them to meet them on a shared plane of aesthetics. Read them someone else's poetry because they do poetry better than you could do it because you're too awkward to do it.

My biggest pet peeve are just girls who go to sports bars who have no intention on caring what teams are playing like they're looking for just a night out. That drives me more crazy than anything else. Like don't pretend to be a sports fan.

I try not to wear anything I have to fidget with - there's nothing worse than wearing something and pulling down the hem and re-adjusting the top. My pet hate is when girls wear those strapless dresses and spend the whole night yanking them up.

Nature makes boys and girls lovely to look upon so they can be tolerated until they acquire some sense.

When I meet gay fans out and about they're so great to talk to - and I'm big on hugging because I'm from the Midwest. They're just so energetic and loving. I'm proud to have those fans and their support means a lot to me. I don't want just girls coming to my movies I want guys to come too!

I was never into the popular school or clique or anything. Then I started doing movies when I was in high school so then I got popular. Then the girls paid attention to you who didn't before.

When Andrew went with the girls we were talking all morning and he was saying 'It's okay. Just remember we had such a good day. Our wedding was so perfect.' Because we're such a unit together. He made me feel very part of the day on April the 29th.

I turned on VH1 this morning just to get a little warm-up before I came over here and I think it's just terrific. There's so much great stuff: diverse and wonderful music good performances great looking girls great videos the whole thing.

The thing I care about is my weight - I'm as fanatical about it as a member of Girls Aloud. I weigh myself every morning. I know exactly what I want to be - 82kg - and I try to stick to it.

My goal is to be a household name and when I do that I want to help other girls become models and maybe even launch a fashion line with my mom like Beyonce did with her mother. My mom has such a good eye and it's always been a dream of hers.