Search Results For foundation In Quotes 145

The greatest happiness of the greatest number is the foundation of morals and legislation.

The health of the people is really the foundation upon which all their happiness and all their powers as a state depend.

I tell students that even if they don't like math right now they can use math as a brain-sharpening tool - a tool that not only builds the foundation for a great career but that also builds self-confidence no matter what they choose to do with their lives.

Do you wish to be great? Then begin by being. Do you desire to construct a vast and lofty fabric? Think first about the foundations of humility. The higher your structure is to be the deeper must be its foundation.

The main foundations of every state new states as well as ancient or composite ones are good laws and good arms you cannot have good laws without good arms and where there are good arms good laws inevitably follow.

I have seen how the foundations of the world are laid and I have not the least doubt that it will stand a good while.

Of all that is good sublimity is supreme. Succeeding is the coming together of all that is beautiful. Furtherance is the agreement of all that is just. Perseverance is the foundation of all actions.

I still have a spiritual base and a spiritual foundation. And my conversation with God is very open-ended. I pray for humility honestly because it's very easy to be caught up in this world.

The goal of my Foundation is to give young people a chance to better themselves and establish a base for a successful future.

The Freudian theory is one of the most important foundation stones for an edifice to be built by future generations the dwelling of a freer and wiser humanity.

I launched The Emeril Lagasse Foundation to provide culinary training and developmental and educational programs to children in the cities where my restaurants operate. I think everyone has a responsibility to give back to the community if they can and to help future generations learn new skills.

The foundation for future prosperity is built on the bedrock of good jobs and great schools. We are building a strong foundation one job at a time and one educated Texan at a time.

Children are not casual guests in our home. They have been loaned to us temporarily for the purpose of loving them and instilling a foundation of values on which their future lives will be built.

To apologize is to lay the foundation for a future offense.

If we would build on a sure foundation in friendship we must love friends for their sake rather than for our own.

If you ask me to summarise our mission I would put it this way: We were a military regime that sought to lay the foundations for freedom and liberty in a complex society.

Native Americans are the original inhabitants of the land that now constitutes the United States. They have helped develop the fundamental principles of freedom of speech and separation of powers that form the foundation of the United States Government.

As a consequence of the victories we have registered during our first ten years of freedom we have laid a firm foundation for the new advances we must and will make during the next decade.

Fear is the foundation of safety.

I was set free because my greatest fear had been realized and I still had a daughter who I adored and I had an old typewriter and a big idea. And so rock bottom became a solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.

Fear is the foundation of most governments.

A loving family provides the foundation children need to succeed and strong families with a man and a woman - bonded together for life - always have been and always will be the key to such families.

A home is crucial the foundation of a stable family.

I hurt my wife my kids my mother my wife's family my friends my foundation and kids all around the world who admired me.