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This week you will nominate the most experienced executive to seek the presidency in 60 years in Mitt Romney. He has no illusions about what makes America great and he doesn't confuse the presidency with celebrity or loftiness with leadership.

Search Results For girls In Quotes 223

I was a single mom that raised two bright beautiful and compassionate girls.

I care so passionately about improving the quality of life for women and girls not just here in the United States but internationally as well. I am a single mom and I raised a daughter who is now a young adult.

My mom really instilled in me that I'm beautiful and I can do anything and I echo that now with my own girls.

I think my mom put it best. She said 'Little girls soften their daddy's hearts.'

Growing up my whole life my mom was telling me how incredible and special I was and that I was going to change the world. I think it's important for girls to know that they can change the world that they do have an impact.

I didn't understand that I could sing until I was like 11 or 12. My mom heard me singing around the house and she said What are you doing? You really can sing! So then I started going to school and singing to the girls.

I wish my mother had left me something about how she felt growing up. I wish my grandmother had done the same. I wanted my girls to know me.

What do girls do who haven't any mothers to help them through their troubles?

Girls have an unfair advantage over men: if they can't get what they want by being smart they can get it by being dumb.

Black men don't like to be called 'boys ' but women accept being called 'girls.'

I should have been out there having a wild time like all the other girls my age but I wasn't. I was going home every night to what was initially a very happy marriage.

I was sent to a nice Church of England girls' school and at that time after university a woman was expected to become a teacher a nurse or a missionary - prior to marriage.

I am very old-fashioned about marriage. It is for life and I mean it. I always knew that when I met the right girl the life I had before - being single in a band girls everywhere - would be over.

Girls we love for what they are young men for what they promise to be.

I was about half in love with her by the time we sat down. That's the thing about girls. Every time they do something pretty... you fall half in love with them and then you never know where the hell you are.

I am an example of what is possible when girls from the very beginning of their lives are loved and nurtured by people around them. I was surrounded by extraordinary women in my life who taught me about quiet strength and dignity.

Learning while at school that the charge for the education of girls was the same as that for boys and that when they became teachers women received only half as much as men for their services the injustice of this distinction was so apparent.

I met a lot of young girls modelling and they were like 'Oh I'm running around town and people are taking my picture' while I was saving receipts and learning how to be self-employed.

I am involved with 'Write Girl ' which is such a great organization because they go into inner city schools and work with underprivileged girls to pair them up with other writers. And it gets them learning to express themselves and become familiar with their own voice. They have a 100% success ratio getting those girls into college.

The atmosphere at my school was very competitive. Young girls were competing with each other every day for status for leadership for the affection of the teachers. I hated it.

English girls' schools today providing the higher education are so far as my knowledge goes worthily representative of that astonishing rise in the intellectual standards of women which has taken place in the last half-century.

I hope that I'm sexy in a different kind of way than I think that a lot of girls are right now. I think a lot of girls in the public eye especially musical artists are just kind of objectified a little bit and wearing super-skimpy outfits and leaving nothing to the imagination.

But because it was able to balance that kind of humor with a sweet story and characters you really rooted for and also got across the girls' point of view I've heard nothing but great things from younger and older females as well.

I'm thrilled to continue my partnership with U by Kotex for Generation Know while helping to empower girls. I've always been a motivational resource for my younger sisters and hope I can positively impact and inspire other young girls too.