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If I were beginning my career today I don't think I would take the same direction. Television is at a crossroads at the moment. And although I am not up to date technologically I suspect that somewhere out there people are conveying things about natural history by means other than television and I think if I were beginning today I'd be there.

Search Results For normal In Quotes 192

I wasn't a normal professor. I had worked in government. I hadn't written nine zillion books. I was a hands-on professor.

Normal people have an incredible lack of empathy. They have good emotional empathy but they don't have much empathy for the autistic kid who is screaming at the baseball game because he can't stand the sensory overload. Or the autistic kid having a meltdown in the school cafeteria because there's too much stimulation.

My parents are both very funny but they're also relatively soft-spoken normal human beings while I'm just a lunatic. I don't know where this loud ballsy hammy ridiculousness came from. I'm just glad I followed my goals and my parents did too. It's not like we even had a plan when I dragged my mom to Los Angeles.

It's harder to be funny if you're handsome than if you're very normal-looking. It's just more relatable. You're the underdog. I mean it's funny to see people struggle and you don't buy that Brad Pitt is struggling you know that guy could be the most skill-less guy in the world but if you look like that you will be fine for the rest of your life.

The funny thing is that I'm the girl who no one sees at the beach. Ask anyone who's traveled with me. Normally I'm in so many layers I look like Lawrence of Arabia!

Cheryl Cole and Katy Perry are two of the hottest girls in the world - and so normal and funny with it. If I was a few years older they are the kind of girls I'd like to date. I want a younger version of Cheryl and Katy - a mixture of the two would be hot.

I'm blonde and tanned and normal-sized! I'm sweet shy funny have a big heart and I'm nice - and I like to eat.

We need international support so that our people live a life of normality of dignity of liberty and freedom. I hope that our cry for freedom may be heard.

The humor is essentially dark for a cartoon and sophisticated. But at the same time being a cartoon gives the writers more freedom than in a normal sitcom. It always pushes the line that despite human failings the Simpsons are really decent people.

I'm privileged because I have a lot of freedom. I want to use it to make as warm and normal a life as I can for our daughters.

Israel was born under the British mandate. We learned from the British what democracy means and how it behaves in a time of danger war and terror. We thank Britain for introducing freedom and respect of human rights both in normal and demanding circumstances.

Once I know people know who I am it gives me a lot of licence and freedom to behave in ways I wouldn't normally.

When I travel I normally eat club sandwiches or I bring my own food. When you go into a new town it's very had to find a good place to eat.

Life excites me-just little normal everyday things. Getting out of bed. Getting dressed. Making food. I find it all exciting.

Meat is a big deal in my life. I do love breakfast food but I don't think that's extraordinary. I'm a normal American. We love eggs and meat and potatoes and gravy.

I normally don't eat junk food.

The lunch in a normal American restaurant is very problematic for me. I don't like to have hot food for lunch.

You need to eat normally and healthfully and you need to exercise. I'm so passionate about this because I think people spend their lives not happy in their bodies.

Swimming is normal for me. I'm relaxed. I'm comfortable and I know my surroundings. It's my home.

I like normal stuff people fear - like spiders and heights. I'm frightened by the unknown by things that are hard to figure out and get a grip on.

I don't see myself as famous at all so I'm continuing my life as normal.

Normally I name my characters after famous comedians.

I used to think no one should go into show biz but now I feel differently. I now feel like it's a great career. If you can do it and make money at it and still not be so famous that you can have a normal life - then I think it's a great career.

I've always been more drawn to being normal than being famous.