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Intellectual despair results in neither weakness nor dreams but in violence. It is only a matter of knowing how to give vent to one's rage whether one only wants to wander like madmen around prisons or whether one wants to overturn them.

Search Results For necessary In Quotes 286

Do you not see how necessary a world of pains and troubles is to school an intelligence and make it a soul?

An intellectual is a man who takes more words than necessary to tell more than he knows.

All intelligent thoughts have already been thought what is necessary is only to try to think them again.

Imagination! Imagination! I put it first years ago when I was asked what qualities I thought necessary for success on the stage.

It will take some time before a politician will capture the imagination of the American people and have the vision and understanding to do what is necessary for a better future for the people of America and the world.

Works of imagination should be written in very plain language the more purely imaginative they are the more necessary it is to be plain.

I like nonsense it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do and that enables you to laugh at life's realities.

Putting a little time aside for clean fun and good humor is very necessary to relieve the tensions of our time.

Poor David Hume is dying fast but with more real cheerfulness and good humor and with more real resignation to the necessary course of things than any whining Christian ever dyed with pretended resignation to the will of God.

You say that your hope is in God and he will I am sure stand by you. But you must not forget that you have been given worldly means to use and employ against human arrogance and wrong it is necessary to see such things with a broad mind in order to oppose them.

War is just when it is necessary arms are permissible when there is no hope except in arms.

It's a sad day when the leaders of the free world engage in such deception and trickery. I voted against this unnecessary war and will continue to argue that the best way to support our troops is to bring them home.

Our history is that we can very aggressively if necessary and openly and democratically discuss our differences. We have a democratic history in which we come together and vote on these things.

History is one of those marvelous and necessary illusions we have to deal with. It's one of the ways of dealing with our world with impossible generalities which we couldn't live without.

Every writer has his writing technique - what he can and can't do to describe something like war or history. I'm not good at writing about those things but I try because I feel it is necessary to write that kind of thing.

A study of the history of opinion is a necessary preliminary to the emancipation of the mind.

The subject of history is the gradual realization of all that is practically necessary.

In the course of history men come to see that iron necessity is neither iron nor necessary.

It is necessary for me to establish a winner image. Therefore I have to beat somebody.

They've got to tell us what is necessary to ensure the future health of the river system.

The time to read is any time: no apparatus no appointment of time and place is necessary. It is the only art which can be practiced at any hour of the day or night whenever the time and inclination comes that is your time for reading in joy or sorrow health or illness.

In this most powerful nation in the world lack of access to health care should not force local and state governments companies and workers into bankruptcy while causing unnecessary illness and hospitalization.

I recently formed a foundation to raise awareness for prostate cancer. I feel it's very necessary that men be more aware about prostate cancer and their health in general.

The Patients' Bill of Rights is necessary to guarantee that health care will be available for those who are paying for insurance. It's a part of the overall health care picture.