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You know, for most of its life bluegrass has had this stigma of being all straw hats and hay bales and not necessarily the most sophisticated form of music. Yet you can't help responding to its honesty. It's music that finds its way deep into your soul because it's strings vibrating against wood and nothing else.

Wherefore when a man giveth out his money upon condition that be may not demand it back until a certain time to come, he certainly may take a compensation for this inconvenience which he admits against himself.


We will do everything to change what needs to be changed, fight against recession so that the country meets its targets, while reinforcing our country in the heart of the euro and the European Union.


I really rebel against authority.

The Queen has done all she could on the dreadful subject of vivisection, and hopes that Mr. Gladstone will speak strongly against such a practice which is a disgrace to humanity.

I would venture to warn against too great intimacy with artists as it is very seductive and a little dangerous.

If that somebody attempted to deny you of your privileges, you must oppose it. You must dislike it. You must battle against.

If someone tried to deprive you of your rights, you've got to resist it. You've got to resent it. You've got to fight against it.

I have nothing against turkey. We eat turkey for Thanksgiving in my house.

I was talking to one of my aunties at Christmas and she said she didn't think it was ever in my nature to go against the grain that I was always a good boy. I think she was right - I did always want to be good.

The father figure is something I love but also suffocate from and want to work against.

The worst sin that can be committed against the artist is to take him at his word to see in his work a fulfillment instead of an horizon.

Only the most unapologetic biblical fundamentalists for instance take every biblical injunction literally. If we all took all scripture at the same level of authority then we would be more open to slavery to the subjugation of women to wider use of stoning. Jesus himself spoke out frequently against divorce in the strongest of terms.

Women's liberation is just a lot of foolishness. It's men who are discriminated against. They can't bear children. And no one is likely to do anything about that.

My mother was very strong. Once she picked up a coconut and smashed it against my father's head. It taught me about women defending themselves and not collapsing in a heap.

Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody.

We are victims of evil customs. It is a crime against humanity that our women are shut up within the four walls of the houses as prisoners. There is no sanction anywhere for the deplorable condition in which our women have to live.

To build a great company which is a CEO's job sometimes you have to stand up against conventional wisdom.

I have a crusade against fondant also shortening. There's no reason why wedding cakes can't taste good if you know what you're doing.

When widows exclaim loudly against second marriages I would always lay a wager than the man If not the wedding day is absolutely fixed on.

I am still profoundly troubled by the war in Nicaragua. The United States launched a covert war against another nation in violation of international law a war that was wrong and immoral.

Music is a weapon in the war against unhappiness.

The Sandinista government became consumed with fighting a war of survival. They were up against the biggest superpower in the world.

I'm against all war.