Search Results For citizens In Quotes 165

I suggest that ten thousand Negroes march on Washington, D.C., the capital of the Nation, with the slogan, 'We loyal Negro American citizens demand the right to work and fight for our country.'

We seek the right to play our part in advancing the cause of national defense and national unity. But certainly, there can be no true national unity where one-tenth of the population is denied their basic rights as American citizens.

I'm not in favour of dividing Hindus and Sikhs. I'm not in favour of dividing Hindus and Christians. All the citizens, all the voters, are my countrymen.

Women are still second-class citizens.

Make women rational creatures and free citizens and they will quickly become good wives - that is if men do not neglect the duties of husbands and fathers.

In a world of inhumanity war and terrorism American citizenship is a very precious possession.

A state of war is not a blank check... when it comes to the rights of the Nation's citizens.

If we are to take for the criterion of truth the majority of suffrages they ought to be gotten from those philosophic and patriotic citizens who cultivate their reason.

Above all I would teach him to tell the truth Truth-telling I have found is the key to responsible citizenship. The thousands of criminals I have seen in 40 years of law enforcement have had one thing in common: Every single one was a liar.

We have an opportunity but we have an obligation to senior citizens and to the younger people who are entering the workforce today to help ensure that they are going to be able to trust the government to have a workable program that benefits them as well.

Our citizens will lose their confidence or trust in the values and principles of the international community especially if our personal identity is denied.

Citizens the priority now is to recover trust between the Egyptian - amongst the Egyptians and to have trust and confidence in our economy and international reputation and the fact that the change that we have embarked on will carry on and there's no going back to the old days.

We need to discuss the basis of a new form of trust built on a meaningful form of citizenship appropriate for a republic.

Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.

I intend to travel to Okinawa and to visit with Okinawa officials and the citizens of Okinawa at an early date. I will send my best analysis of that situation including the local attitudes back to Washington to the government there.

Let us not forget that the European Community started as a project for peace after the terrible Second World War. And today people take for granted the freedom to travel to study to work abroad. And the citizens of one country have almost exactly the same rights as another country.

As both a local resident and a parent with a CF-afflicted child I'm thankful for companies like Canon Chase and Outback who believe that giving back to the community is critical to their role as corporate citizens.

If we as a nation are to break the cycle of poverty crime and the growing underclass of young people ill equipped to be productive citizens we need to not only implement effective programs to prevent teen pregnancy but we must also help those who have already given birth so that they become effective nurturing bonding parents.

Accordingly it is our task to ensure that the Government formulates policies that foster the continued development of the IT sector while also providing for citizens' access to technology and opportunity for economic advancement.

A variety of national and international studies indicate that the broad-based deployment of information technology can have a substantial impact on our nation's economic productivity and growth as well as the educational and social success of our citizens.

After a lifetime of working raising families and contributing to the success of this nation in countless other ways senior citizens deserve to retire with dignity.

Full participation in government and society has been a basic right of the country symbolizing the full citizenship and equal protection of all.

At its most basic the democratic contract is a simple one: the right to vote comes with a responsibility to society through tax payments and citizenship.

The Holocaust illustrates the consequences of prejudice racism and stereotyping on a society. It forces us to examine the responsibilities of citizenship and confront the powerful ramifications of indifference and inaction.