Search Results For comfort In Quotes 307

It took me six years to be comfortable modeling a swimsuit.

Do not to let your feelings (very natural and usual ones) of momentary irritation and discomfort be seen by others don't (as you so often did and do) let every little feeling be read in your face and seen in your manner.

We placed the wreaths upon the splendid granite sarcophagus, and at its feet, and felt that only the earthly robe we loved so much was there. The pure, tender, loving spirit which loved us so tenderly, is above us - loving us, praying for us, and free from all suffering and woe - yes, that is a comfort, and that first birthday in another world must have been a far brighter one than any in this poor world below!

Many nights, I longed for home. But it occurred to me as I struggled for a feeling of comfort and safety: I have no idea where home is.

I believe in one God the first and great cause of goodness. I also believe in Jesus Christ the rebirth of the world. I also believe in the Holy Ghost the comforter.

In no direction that we turn do we find ease or comfort. If we are honest and if we have the will to win we find only danger hard work and iron resolution.

Now it is time to turn to an older wisdom that while respecting material comfort and security as a basic right of all also recognises that many of the most valuable things in life cannot be measured.

Television brought the brutality of war into the comfort of the living room. Vietnam was lost in the living rooms of America - not on the battlefields of Vietnam.

War is a way of shattering to pieces... materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable and... too intelligent.

If you look for truth you may find comfort in the end if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin and in the end despair.

I have no plans to have any other home than Moscow. However I love to travel and I'm very comfortable in New York. In many ways it reminds me of Moscow in its energy and drive.

When you travel remember that a foreign country is not designed to make you comfortable. It is designed to make its own people comfortable.

Travel aesthetics should be just as comfortable and practical as they are fashionable.

Travel books are by and large boring. They lodge uncomfortably between fact fiction and autobiography.

I'm not comfortable being preachy but more people need to start spending as much time in the library as they do on the basketball court.

Don't get too comfortable with who you are at any given time - you may miss the opportunity to become who you want to be.

This is no time for ease and comfort. It is time to dare and endure.

Working on 'Gossip Girl' was a fantastic experience. It was my first real gig and I'm thankful for it - I got to learn a lot. I'm glad I got to explore getting comfortable in my own shoes in the background on a show like 'Gossip Girl.'

I would like to see every parent either directly - if they are comfortable with the technology - or through a personal tutor being able to access real-time information about their child.

Scientists at MIT and engineering schools all across America say that they could improve the fuel economy standards for the existing set of vehicles by 10 miles per gallon using existing technology without compromising safety or comfort at all.

I have to express sympathy from the bottom of my heart to those people who were taken as wartime comfort women. As a human being I would like to express my sympathies and also as prime minister of Japan I need to apologize to them.

You can never be comfortable with your success you've got to be paranoid you're going to lose it.

I define success as being comfortable with yourself and your life. And that is about as good as it gets really.

We're constantly striving for success fame and comfort when all we really need to be happy is someone or some thing to be enthusiastic about.