Search Results For formal In Quotes 44

I was 17 and living on the streets. I had the education of technically an eighth-grader, but in reality, I had never had a formal education.

The main thing I say on war is that we need to obey the law and formally declare war.

I also developed an interest in sports and played in informal games at a nearby school yard where the neighborhood children met to play touch football baseball basketball and occasionally ice hockey.

I have enormous respect for Tom Daschle. The NRA has not yet taken a formal position on which I'm aware of on this matter and I think Tom may be just getting a little ahead of things.

We've become much more casual and much more relaxed in social interactions where there was a formality and maybe a kind of respect at that time that doesn't exist now.

Every company has two organizational structures: The formal one is written on the charts the other is the everyday relationship of the men and women in the organization.

That poetry survived in its formal agencies finally and that prose survived to get something said.

I believe that all poetry is formal in that it exists within limits limits that are either inherited by tradition or limits that language itself imposes.

Religious poetry civic poetry lyric or dramatic poetry are all categories of man's expression which are valid only if the endorsement of formal content is valid.

My grandmother was a kind of Scarsdale New York society woman best known in her day as the author of the 1959 book 'Growing Your Own Way: An Informal Guide for Teen-Agers' - this despite being a person whose parenting style made Joan Crawford's wire hangers look like pool noodles.

Color is a plastic means of creating intervals... color harmonics produced by special relationships or tensions. We differentiate now between formal tensions and color tensions just as we differentiate in music between counterpoint and harmony.

I'm named after a horse. My mom's best friend had a horse named Brooke so my dad suggested 'Brooklyn' as a more formal version and it just stuck - and now I live in Brooklyn part-time so go figure.

Because I am not formally trained in the medical sciences I can bring in new ideas to AIDS research and the cross-fertilization of ideas from different fields could be a valuable contribution to finding the cure for AIDS.

Marriage is like a formality for me.

My knowledge of science came from being with Carl not from formal academic training. Carl gave me a thrilling tutorial in science and math that lasted the 20 years we were together.

In formal logic a contradiction is the signal of defeat but in the evolution of real knowledge it marks the first step in progress toward a victory.

I'm the chairman of the intelligence committee. We don't only get formal briefings but we collect our information from the intelligence community in a variety of ways.

I hate formal stuff. I love looking like a doll and all that stuff and playing dress up but when I'm home sweat pants t-shirt. When I'm in the studio sweat pants t-shirt.

When the honour is given to that scientist personally the happiness is sweet indeed. Science is on the whole an informal activity a life of shirt sleeves and coffee served in beakers.

I've done an informal anecdotal survey about marriage and I've found no evidence that it brings happiness.

After great pain a formal feeling comes. The Nerves sit ceremonious like tombs.

The instant formal government is abolished society begins to act. A general association takes place and common interest produces common security.

I don't like formal gardens. I like wild nature. It's just the wilderness instinct in me I guess.

In the future my communications with the public and with the markets will be entirely through regular and formal channels.