Search Results For media In Quotes 342

The media wants overnight successes (so they have someone to tear down). Ignore them. Ignore the early adopter critics that never have enough to play with. Ignore your investors that want proven tactics and predictable instant results. Listen instead to your real customers, to your vision and make something for the long haul. Because that’s how long it’s going to take, guys.

It is possible to have a pretty good life and career being a leech and a parasite in the media world, gadding about from TV studio to TV studio, writing inconsequential pieces and having a good time.

There's an adage that is an apt description of the new dynamic at work between brands and consumers connected through social media: People support what they help to build. But now that many brands are launching community-driven cause marketing campaigns the challenge becomes what to do next?

Young people are threatened... by the evil use of advertising techniques that stimulate the natural inclination to avoid hard work by promising the immediate satisfaction of every desire.

As to honor - you know - it's a very fine mediaeval inheritance which women never got hold of. It wasn't theirs.

I'm not particularly a feminist but if you get women off the animal cycle of reproduction and give them some say in how many children they'll have immediately the floor will rise.

I've been trying to find women writers for my staff for a while now and I have three women on my staff and three guys so it's pretty equal. I don't know why that is. It's been the same thing for a while. It's hard for female comedians to stand out. That's weird. That's a shame.

A women under stress is not immediately concerned with finding solutions to her problems but rather seeks relief by expressing herself and being understood.

What's different now is that while political leaders used to give talking points to talk radio now talk-radio hosts are giving talking points to political leaders. It's all part of the suffocating spin cycle we're in. In media politics and publishing the conventional wisdom is to play to this base.

Mainstream media tend to just mouth the conventional wisdom to see everything through the filter of right and left.

Clinton is a big personality who has led a big life and for some of the media conventional wisdom to boil it down to a view that 'all people are really interested in' are a few moments of madness in the Oval Office gets him the importance of the presidency and the significance of his life all wrong.

Britain which in the years immediately before this war was rapidly losing such democratic virtues as it possessed is now being bombed and burned into democracy.

We need to decide that we will not go to war whatever reason is conjured up by the politicians or the media because war in our time is always indiscriminate a war against innocents a war against children.

As for charity it is a matter in which the immediate effect on the persons directly concerned and the ultimate consequence to the general good are apt to be at complete war with one another.

Truth comes to us mediated by human love.

The truth is I had always wanted to be a comedian but I really didn't have that kind of personality and it's a terrifying thing to say.

Nothing is beautiful only man: on this piece of naivete rests all aesthetics it is the first truth of aesthetics. Let us immediately add its second: nothing is ugly but degenerate man - the domain of aesthetic judgment is therewith defined.

The duty of responsibility placed on any MP is one of the greatest honours that can be bestowed and I for one don't believe the Conservative Party would abuse that trust by selecting someone who did not have the goods to do the job just for the sake of media coverage.

Institutions develop because people put a lot of trust in them they meet real needs they represent important aspirations whether it's monasteries media or banks people begin by trusting these institutions and gradually the suspicion develops that actually they're working for themselves not for the community.

Never trust any complicated cocktail that remainds perfectly clear until the last ingredient goes in and then immediately clouds.

I'm a comedian for God's sake. Viewers shouldn't trust me. And you know what? They're hip enough to know they shouldn't trust me. I'm just doing stand-up comedy.

But today we become aware of other readings of the human experience very quickly because of the media and the speed with which people travel the planet.

Developments in information technology and globalised media mean that the most powerful military in the history of the world can lose a war not on the battlefield of dust and blood but on the battlefield of world opinion.

At a minimum the majority of search dollars will flow to a social media model because people care most about what their peers think and the technology is there for that information to be quickly shared on products and services.