Search Results For memories In Quotes 74

I've been very fortunate in the things I've had in my life. But, at the same time, I wish I had the same types of memories as everyone else.

Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear you apart.

My fondest memories are generally the day after Thanksgiving. I get the total decorating Christmas itch.

People love talking about when they were young and heard Honky Tonk Women for the first time. It's quite a heavy load to carry on your shoulders the memories of so many people.

I acknowledge the privilege of being alive in a human body at this moment endowed with senses memories emotions thoughts and the space of mind in its wisdom aspect.

Most people think that shadows follow precede or surround beings or objects. The truth is that they also surround words ideas desires deeds impulses and memories.

In my work you often get an abrupt shift in time a jolt. But the emotional logic will take the reader on. I hope. I trust. After all our memories do not work with any sequential logic.

We've outsourced our memories to digital devices and the result is that we no longer trust our memories. We see every small forgotten thing as evidence that they're failing us.

I was very inspired by my mother. She was a vocal teacher and sang in a band and my first memories of her were going out with her on the local circuit.

The NFL is such a large multibillion dollar enterprise with fan loyalty because they have provided not only entertainment for sports fans but memories good memories family memories to these fans that can only bring about good will.

Competing in both track and field and basketball for the Bruins I have a lot of great memories to choose from. But my all-time favorite moment in collegiate sports has to be in 1982 when we won UCLA's first NCAA title in track.

I love the live performances and Las Vegas. I also like making films that are being discovered by another generation. Having been a teen idol of the '60s is great because you realize you left your generation with a smile and good memories.

This Olympics is almost a little sad. It is my final Olympics. There are a lot of good memories.

It's sad to know I'm done. But looking back I've got a lot of great memories.

It would be sad if my best work had been 20 years ago and now I only had memories.

I get some of my ideas from watching my three daughters but most of them come from my own memories of growing up. I can remember how romantic I was not just about love but romance in the classic sense - the romantic ideals: of honor and truth of loyalty sacrifice and fairness. Those were the elements that made a story satisfying to me.

My first memories of religion were being taken to Episcopal church. My father was Catholic but my mother I believe was Episcopal. So I sort of veered off into the watered-down version of Catholicism.

Our enemies are our evil deeds and their memories our pride our selfishness our malice our passions which by conscience or by habit pursue us with a relentlessness past the power of figure to express.

The poetry of a people comes from the deep recesses of the unconscious the irrational and the collective body of our ancestral memories.

The threat today is not that of the 1930s. It's not big powers going to war with each other. The ravages which fundamentalist political ideology inflicted on the 20th century are memories. The Cold war is over. Europe is at peace if not always diplomatically.

Music at its essence is what gives us memories. And the longer a song has existed in our lives the more memories we have of it.

I'm the first to admit that I like going to or my memories at least of going to Clint Eastwood movies or Charles Bronson or James Bond.

There was a chance for me to write one song for the section where Elvis sat in his black leather outfit and sang the old hits. At eight oclock the next morning I had written Memories.

Victory is everything. You can spend the money but you can never spend the memories.