Comedy arises out of necessity, because some things are so dark that you have to laugh about it.
Work is a necessity for man. Man invented the alarm clock.
Writing is no dying art form in America because most published writers here accept the wisdom and the necessity of encouraging the talent that follows in their footsteps.
I will not attempt to deny the reasonableness and necessity of a party war but in carrying on that war all principles and rules of justice should not be departed from.
Emancipation came to the colored race in America as a war measure. It was an act of military necessity. Manifestly it would have come without war in the slower process of humanitarian reform and social enlightenment.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one.
Nobody should trust their virtue with necessity the force of which is never known till it is felt and it is therefore one of the first duties to avoid the temptation of it.
Travel which was once either a necessity or an adventure has become very largely a commodity and from all sides we are persuaded into thinking that it is a social requirement too.
I bless God for this retirement: I never was more thankful for any thing than I have been of late for the necessity I am under of self-denial in many respects.
Modern technology has become a total phenomenon for civilization the defining force of a new social order in which efficiency is no longer an option but a necessity imposed on all human activity.
But what you could perhaps do with in these days is a word of most sincere sympathy. Your movement is carried internally by so strong a truth and necessity that victory in one form or another cannot elude you for long.
Nothing has more strength than dire necessity.
Our real problem then is not our strength today it is rather the vital necessity of action today to ensure our strength tomorrow.
They might not need me but they might. I'll let my head be just in sight a smile as small as mine might be precisely their necessity.
Thence results for science as well as for industry the necessity of the division and association of labor. I receive and I give - such is human life. Each directs and is directed in his turn.
I would love to be married. But it's not a necessity like the way that I feel I need and want to have children. It would be wonderful to have a husband and I would feel blessed to do it. But I would feel sad for the rest of my life if I had no kids.
Classic art was the art of necessity: modern romantic art bears the stamp of caprice and chance.
In science a healthy skepticism is a professional necessity whereas in religion having belief without evidence is regarded as a virtue.
Scientific progress makes moral progress a necessity for if man's power is increased the checks that restrain him from abusing it must be strengthened.
Evil when we are in its power is not felt as evil but as a necessity even a duty.
Every man builds his world in his own image. He has the power to choose but no power to escape the necessity of choice.
One of the really positive things about minority government is that there is the necessity to broker policy positions. What happens is you get a hybrid of what a single party might do. And I don't think that is a bad thing.
Too many people in the modern world view poetry as a luxury not a necessity like petrol. But to me it's the oil of life.
For my part if I consider poetry as an object I maintain that it is born of the necessity of adding a vocal sound (speech) to the hammering of the first tribal music.