Search Results For parties In Quotes 93

Some people play the piano, some do Sudoku, some watch television, some people go out to dinner parties. I write books.

Since almost all Negroes are workers, live on wages, and suffer from the high cost of food, clothing and shelter, it is obvious that the Republican and Democratic Parties are opposed to their interests.

I like to go to parties where I know everyone. How are you going to have fun with people you don't know?

Deep breaths are very helpful at shallow parties.

I get half a million just to show up at parties. My life is like really really fun.

Good parties create a temporary youthfulness.

Then when I got in the military I used to host - even in high school - I hosted the talent shows and when I was in the military I would host all of our base Christmas parties and stuff.

What I don't like about office Christmas parties is looking for a job the next day.

People from both political parties have long recognized that welfare without work creates negative incentives that lead to permanent poverty. It robs people of self-esteem.

We all went to Kelsey's wedding and yeah we go to parties. We also go to each other's house. A group of us got together over at Kelsey's and just read through some plays just for the fun of it. That may not be everyone's idea of a good time but we had a good time.

I've never crashed a wedding. When I was a kid I of course used to crash parties. Crashing a wedding is difficult though because you have to have the suit and you have to have information in case someone catches you. You have to know at least some names and something.

I travel around the world constantly promoting my projects and endorsing products. Yes I do get paid to go to parties in fact I'm the person who started the whole trend of paid appearances. But when you see me at a party I'm always working or promoting something.

If we don't get gun-control laws in this country we are full of beans. To have the National Rifle Association rule the United States is pathetic. And I agree with Mayor Michael Bloomberg: It's time to put up or shut up about gun control for both parties.

If we attempt to block the development of new technology we effectively have ensured that the most responsible parties will not develop them.

It was so draining. Going to parties to rub elbows with so-and-so and act like it's no big deal when really all I was doing was hoping I'd have the success they had.

I think the deafness affects me more than I realise I think it makes me more tired. I loathe parties. I attend smile and leave.

I try to make an album that reflects what I love about country music. It's not just all about happy parties all the time. There are some sad songs.

The hardest thing is at the end you have to say bye to all these people who you have worked with for so many months. It was really sad not to see them anymore. But you have the parties that you go to and you get to see them like the premieres and the screenings.

Wrap parties can be really sad actually disorienting.

So I really would like to see both parties respond to the poor with greater commitment. But I've got to tell you the Democrats I feel are doing a better job in that respect than Republicans are.

Almost all of our relationships begin and most of them continue as forms of mutual exploitation a mental or physical barter to be terminated when one or both parties run out of goods.

It is always a disappointment to turn from forthright consideration of some subject - whether from the Left or the Right a poet or a plumber - to the Beltway version in which the only aspects of the issue that matter are the effects it will have on the fortunes of the two parties and the various men in power.

You want a culture where citizens are free to express themselves and so live in the openness necessary to the functioning of a successful economy? Israel has a free press much of it openly hostile to the parties in power.

Political folk talk a lot these days about 'messaging' - a neologism designed to describe the way in which parties and politicians consciously characterize their efforts. It is only intended to be positive - i.e. 'Our messaging is designed to show we care.'