Search Results For proud In Quotes 211

I just want to be challenged. I want to be proud of what I do, and I want to learn new things and keep growing.


I think I am very proud of being associated with quality things. So if I were massively famous for doing massively beloved things, yeah, that sounds great.


I'm quite proud of some of the films I've done, but less for the acting than for the fact that they're unpretentious and entertaining. I'm proud of having made unpretentious choices.

I am very happy to be signing for the best team in the world and especially proud to be the first Portuguese player to join United.

We are proud of 3 things: Democracy, Demographic dividen, and Demand.

Pride slays thanksgiving but a humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grow. A proud man is seldom a grateful man for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves.

Always work hard be honest and be proud of who you are.

I've never wanted to look like models on the cover of magazines. I represent the majority of women and I'm very proud of that.

Black women don't have the same body image problems as white women. They are proud of their bodies.

The men and women of Afghanistan are building a nation that is free and proud and fighting terror - and America is honored to be their friend.

I will give you a definition of a proud man: he is a man who has neither vanity nor wisdom one filled with hatreds cannot be vain neither can he be wise.

Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when it becomes too proud to weep too grave to laugh and too selfish to seek other than itself.

It has been the experience of a lifetime to work with Catherine Middleton to create her wedding dress and I have enjoyed every moment of it. It was such an incredible honor to be asked and I am so proud of what we and the Alexander McQueen team have created.

The truth is I'm proud of the life I've lived so far and though I've made my share of mistakes I have no regrets.

I will continue to work as hard as I can to make this organization proud. Every time I step on the field I will give everything I have and I will leave everything I have on the field every single Sunday.

I've done it all. I'm thankful and proud of what I've accomplished in my life. I hope to keep doing it.

I have spent over 60 years bent over a guitar and to know that I wrote 70 compositions that masters have recorded that makes me feel so good and full and proud and thankful to the good Lord.

I am a teacher and I am proud of it. At Cornell University I have taught primarily undergraduates and indeed almost every year since 1966 have taught first-year general chemistry.

It was difficult being a teacher and out of the closet in the '50s. By the time I retired the English department was proud of having a gay poet of a certain minor fame. It was a very satisfactory change!

It's the quality of the ordinary the straight the square that accounts for the great stability and success of our nation. It's a quality to be proud of. But it's a quality that many people seem to have neglected.

People think of Latina women as being fiery and fierce which is usually true. But I think the quality that so many Latinas possess is strength. I'm very proud to have Latin blood.

You really have to look inside yourself and find your own inner strength and say 'I'm proud of what I am and who I am and I'm just going to be myself.'

Part of my growing up was always trying to make my parents proud and always trying to keep them happy. I think part of what held them together was my involvement in sports.

I receive huge support from Irish and British sports fans alike and it is greatly appreciated. Likewise I feel I have a great affinity with the American sports fans. I play most of my golf in the U.S. nowadays and I am incredibly proud to have won the U.S. Open and U.S. PGA Championship in the last two years.