Search Results For restaurants In Quotes 36

In America uniformed cops eat in coffee shops, diners and restaurants and I always feel safer having them around.

I never subscribe to the stay-at-home policy. I'm not sick of the road or sick of eating in good restaurants around the country. I like to travel.

All my friends were in college when I was making 'Superbad.' We were drinking beer and watching movies and eating pizza. It wasn't like I was going to nice restaurants or anything like that and I lived like a frat guy. Eventually it was time to grow up be healthy and be responsible. You can't live like a kid forever you know?

I live very normally I go out with my friends we go to the movies I queue we go to restaurants.

My mom would take me to restaurants and the first thing I'd ask for would be a pen and a napkin and I'd sketch shoes and shoes and shoes.

I opened my own restaurant when I was 17. I went broke then traveled around the country learning about different kinds of foods had three other restaurants that went broke. It didn't all start just a few years ago!

I launched The Emeril Lagasse Foundation to provide culinary training and developmental and educational programs to children in the cities where my restaurants operate. I think everyone has a responsibility to give back to the community if they can and to help future generations learn new skills.

It's funny how I use social media because I don't use it to promote my restaurants that much. I use it for social issues and I think that's what it's for. I do a few things - I mess around with music a lot because that's a passion of mine. If something strikes me and I want to share it I do.

My desire to curtail undue freedom of speech extends only to such public areas as restaurants airports streets hotel lobbies parks and department stores. Verbal exchanges between consenting adults in private are as of little interest to me as they probably are to them.

I am very honored for all the distinctions and accolades but what I am most sensitive to is my clientele and the fact they are pleased with my food and my restaurants.

Now the restaurants have begun to catch up with the wine-making there are numerous great restaurants in Napa Valley and it's wonderful because the people are there for just that: great food and great wine.

A lot of restaurants serve good food but they don't have very good service.

What we are trying to do is to create a social business in Bangladesh a joint venture to create restaurants for common people. Good healthy food at affordable prices so that people don't have to opt for food that is unhealthy and unhygienic.

The murals in restaurants are on par with the food in museums.

Acceptable food rots while we are chased from bins behind restaurants chased from sleeping on the street chased from relieving ourselves unless we pay for food or gas until finally we are so hungry sleepless smelly constipated and beaten-down that we simply die of lack of will to live.

The food in the House of Commons is fairly good. The cafe in Portcullis House is really very high quality and you also have a choice of eating in the more traditional restaurants the Churchill Room or the Members' Dining Room. I don't often eat in them though as I'm usually on the run.

Jackie Chan is a very good comedy/martial arts star. He does one kind of martial arts that Jet Li doesn't know how to do and Jet Li does a martial art that Jackie Chan doesn't know how to do. You can both go to two Chinese restaurants but both can have different kinds of food.

'The Food Network' was just starting in New York and I was getting lots of attention from Mesa Grill. They had no money so if you couldn't get there by subway you couldn't be on. It wasn't like TV was something I really wanted to do - but I knew it would be great publicity for my restaurants.

Olympia was a town crawling with music. I was new to the whole punk scene. The culture shock continued Olympia had bagels! We didn't have bagels in Arkansas. You could order vegetarian food all over town! It was so crazy to me - a place with so many vegetarians the restaurants made special dishes for them?

Cookbooks have all become baroque and very predictable. I'm looking for something different. A lot of chefs' cookbooks are food as it's done in the restaurants but they are dumbed down and I hate it when they dumb them down.

I love food and I love everything involved with food. I love the fun of it. I love restaurants. I love cooking although I don't cook very much. I love kitchens.

Being famous gets me good concert tickets good tables in restaurants good seats at sporting events and that's really about it.

Nobody makes bouillabaisse from scratch. It's all a bunch of malarkey. Even the restaurants buy a commercial-grade product. I had a very famous chef tell me that.

My restaurants are never opened on Thanksgiving I want my staff to spend time with their family if they can. My feeling is if I can't figure out how to make money the rest of the year so that my workers can enjoy the holidays then I don't deserve to be an owner.