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I was the first in my peer group to get pregnant. All I craved was reassurance. I needed someone to tell me that all the seemingly random symptoms I had - weird things such as excess saliva - were normal. And I was worried because I wasn't getting any morning sickness.

Search Results For acting In Quotes 321

I've done some acting and a lot of different things but mostly it's the music.

Singing is a way of releasing an emotion that you sometimes can't portray when you're acting. And music moves your soul so music is the source of the most intense emotions you can feel.

I started playing piano when I was 6. And I knew that wanted to be involved in that form of expression whether it was through music or acting or dancing or painting or writing.

Singing is a way of releasing an emotion that you sometimes can't portray when you're acting. And music moves your soul so music is the source of the most intense emotions you can feel. When you hear a song and you're acting it's incredible. But when you're singing a song and you're acting it's even more incredible.

I did direct two short movies. I learned many things and one of the things I learned was that I am not a director. It has to be visceral and it's not for me. I feel much more comfortable acting.

I've always been in the middle of making my own movies so taking acting jobs that take me away from that has been impossible.

If I do three movies in a year I don't feel like acting ever again.

The music led to the acting. But movies aren't something you can just will yourself into. Someone has to choose you and you have to be quite fortunate to be chosen.

My movies are unadorned they're not particularly fancy I think they're kind of workmanlike in some ways focusing on the writing and the acting.

I took acting classes in college and once I graduated I decided to give acting a shot when I couldn't really think of anything else to do. It took me a couple of years to get an agent and my first big break was The Fanelli Boys which was a sitcom on NBC. Then I did a few television movies.

Well I think one of the main things that you have to think about when acting in the movies is to try not to make the acting show.

You have to understand that crew members make movies so they're seeing a lot of actors all the time in their career acting.

There are movies that require fantasy and slightly more fantastical acting. Lines that are good for certain movies in real life circumstances would be absolutely unbelievable things to really say and you would look at these people like they're freaks for conversing that way. But somehow for certain styles of movies it works and it seems fine.

For 50 years acting was the reason I got up in the morning.

Another challenge? Getting up at 6:30 in the morning to go act. It's not fun acting that early in the morning or acting at 4 A.M in the middle of the night or in the morning when you're really tired. That's a challenge. What a luxurious problem to have.

I was a very undisciplined person but acting was something that actually motivated me to get up in the morning. I hadn't experienced that before but it was something that really excited me. I think I could be quite self-conscious and it gave me a release.

Acting is invigorating. But I don't analyse it too much. It's like a dog smelling where it's going to do its toilet in the morning.

You can't have bank holding companies acting as hedge funds. You can't have them taking a million-dollar pension plan for Joe Schmo the bus driver and treat it with the same risk appetite that you treat George Soros' pocket money. It's fundamentally ridiculous.

I always was drawn to the performing arts. I started dancing when I was two. I sang loved to act and loved going to visit my mom on-set. But she wanted me to have a normal childhood so I wasn't really allowed to pursue acting till I got older.

For as long as I've been acting I have been very lucky to be paired with really great actresses playing my mom.

Well I was eight years old and I have an older cousin who is three years older than me and she was doing acting commercials and modeling at the time and... to see my cousin doing that was really inspiring and I wanted to do it. So I went to my mom and I asked her if I could do it and for the acting part of it she made me study for a year.

My earliest acting memory is making up a play for my mom and dad called The Lonesome Baby. I have no idea what The Lonesome Baby was about. I just remember the title. But I'm sure it was an epic.

My mom thought I might be good for voiceover. She thought I had a cute voice so maybe I could do a cartoon or something. And while we were looking into that we also thought I should get into theater acting so I tried it and the first audition I went on I booked it. And it kind of just snowballed from there.

My mom didn't ever think I would take to acting because I was a very shy very reserved kind of child. But obviously something changed!