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I was told to challenge every spiritual teacher every world leader to utter the one sentence that no religion no political party and no nation on the face of the earth will dare utter: 'Ours is not a better way ours is merely another way.

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Some people think technology has the answers.

Bill Gates is a very rich man today... and do you want to know why? The answer is one word: versions.

The answer of course in the mouth of a Christian teacher is that in Christianity alone is there both present joy and future hope.

In the fourth grade my history teacher gave us a project: Why was the auto industry located in Detroit Michigan? I didn't know I was going to be an economist but I knew I was going to do something that was involved in answering questions like that one because I thought that was a fascinating question.

Faulkner turned out to be a great teacher. When a student asked a question ineptly he answered the question with what the student had really wanted to know.

You can take Elvis. You can take Marilyn Monroe. Success and fame will not be the answer if something inside of you is bothering you if things in your mind aren't going right.

When one has success the answer is not to undo that success. It is to continue what has been done.

There is no scientific answer for success. You can't define it. You've simply got to live it and do it.

I believe success is preparation because opportunity is going to knock on your door sooner or later but are you prepared to answer that?

Ask yourself the secret of your success. Listen to your answer and practice it.

One of the most difficult things for people who have been successful in sports is adapting to the daily world where you can't get an answer from someone until 5 o'clock tomorrow. There is always an excuse. Living 40 or 50 years like that doesn't get too exciting after a while.

The only time my prayers are never answered is on the golf course.

Once boys' and men's challenges are clear the question 'why now' quickly becomes 'why didn't we see this sooner?' The answer? Virtually every society that survived did so by socializing its sons to be disposable.

Mainstream cinema raises questions only to immediately provide an answer to them so they can send the spectator home reassured. If we actually had those answers then society would appear very different from what it is.

What we do as a society is seek simple answers.

There are many who lust for the simple answers of doctrine or decree. They are on the left and right. They are not confined to a single part of the society. They are terrorists of the mind.

Questions have arisen about the policing of science. Who is responsible for the policing? My answer is: all of us.

I do not think we are ever going to be able to for a long time get the kind of quality of school personnel that we need in our schools especially in the areas of science and math. One of the answers to that problem is to use more educational technology.

Science and literature give me answers. And they ask me questions I will never be able to answer.

Science goes from question to question big questions and little tentative answers. The questions as they age grow ever broader the answers are seen to be more limited.

I'm a geophysicist and all my earth science books when I was a student I had to give the wrong answer to get an A. We used to ridicule continental drift. It was something we laughed at. We learned of Marshall Kay's geosynclinal cycle which is a bunch of crap.

That is the essence of science: ask an impertinent question and you are on the way to a pertinent answer.

Whence come I and whither go I? That is the great unfathomable question the same for every one of us. Science has no answer to it.

The usual approach of science of constructing a mathematical model cannot answer the questions of why there should be a universe for the model to describe. Why does the universe go to all the bother of existing?