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I don't like political poetry and I don't write it. If this question was pointing towards that I think it is missing the point of the American tradition which is always apolitical even when the poetry comes out of politically active writers.

Search Results For blood In Quotes 167

My great religion is a belief in the blood the flesh as being wiser than the intellect. We can go wrong in our minds. But what our blood feels and believes and says is always true. The intellect is only a bit and a bridle.

I am blood type O-positive which I remember by staying 'optimistic positive.'

What I have is P.H. positive chronic myeloid leukemia which is an aberration in your white blood cells.

We talked about politics constantly in my family growing up in North Carolina. There were always debates. Being of Greek background it's in our blood to drink coffee and talk politics.

I think to be in politics you have to have the taste for blood on that.

Yes politics IS war without bloodshed and war is an extension of those politics.

Politics is a blood sport.

Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.

There are no true friends in politics. We are all sharks circling and waiting for traces of blood to appear in the water.

Office politics are bloody-minded but weak on content.

I've been to war and it's not easy to kill. It's bloody and messy and totally horrifying and the consequences are serious.

Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.

All good poetry is forged slowly and patiently link by link with sweat and blood and tears.

To be born in Wales not with a silver spoon in your mouth but with music in your blood and with poetry in your soul is a privilege indeed.

The blood jet is poetry and there is no stopping it.

Poetry is ordinary language raised to the Nth power. Poetry is boned with ideas nerved and blooded with emotions all held together by the delicate tough skin of words.

Peace above all things is to be desired but blood must sometimes be spilled to obtain it on equable and lasting terms.

An honorable Peace is and always was my first wish! I can take no delight in the effusion of human Blood but if this War should continue I wish to have the most active part in it.

Political liberty the peace of a nation and science itself are gifts for which Fate demands a heavy tax in blood!

The patriot blood of my father was warm in my veins.

The tree of liberty needs to be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

It is hard I submit to loathe bloodshed including war more than I do but it is still harder to exceed my loathing of the very nature of totalitarian states in which massacre is only an administrative detail.

But I'm a hot-blooded Italian by nature. Whatever the situation you present I'm going to make something out of it.

Nature is one great big wood-chipper. Sooner or later everything shoots out the other end in a spray of blood bones and hair.