Search Results For butter In Quotes 40

I like to use 'I Can't Believe it's Not Butter' on my toast in the morning because sometimes when I eat breakfast I like to be incredulous. How was breakfast? Unbelievable.

I think one of the terrible things today is that people have this deathly fear of food: fear of eggs say or fear of butter. Most doctors feel that you can have a little bit of everything.

Having in my life been bitten by the jaws of both victory and defeat I must rush to add that success is to failure as butter pecan ice cream is to death.

I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man.

Look at the average American diet: ice cream butter cheese whole milk all this fat. People don't realize how much of this stuff you get by the end of the day. High blood pressure is from all this high-fat eating.

In L.A. I get a meal delivery service called Diet Designs. I like a nice butter lettuce salad with some avocado fresh grapefruit shredded chicken breast and raw almond slices with a sesame vinaigrette dressing. I also love juicing and am kind of obsessed with it.

But if you pick up every other magazine it is the peanut butter diet or the cabbage soup diet and then you go to the radio and you hear that you can drink some solution and you will lose weight overnight. It just does not work that way!

As for those grapefruit and buttermilk diets I'll take roast chicken and dumplings.

Do you know how many calories are in butter and cheese and ice cream? Would you get your dog up in the morning for a cup of coffee and a donut?

About half my designs are controlled fantasy 15 percent are total madness and the rest are bread-and-butter designs.

My dad Donald was a vet and had a practice in Yorkshire. Cats and dogs were his bread and butter but his greatest love was large animals.

I always use my husband's cocoa butter stuff. He has amazing skin!

It's been a fascinating thing because we didn't really know how to write when we started South Park at all. It's been like we've just sort of grown up a bit and it's amazing to just see how if you take Butters and Cartman and put them in any scene it works.

I like to read books and be alone I'm not social butterfly person.

Man cannot live by bread alone he must have peanut butter.

Remember man does not live on bread alone: sometimes he needs a little buttering up.