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We should invade their countries kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war.

Search Results For century In Quotes 187

Polygraph tests are 20th-century witchcraft.

We seem to have a compulsion these days to bury time capsules in order to give those people living in the next century or so some idea of what we are like.

The nineteenth century believed in science but the twentieth century does not.

Back then a half-a-century ago the situation was totally different. Economically we were practically on our knees and politically we were still excluded from the community of nations. Today in this respect we have a totally different and much more stable basis.

One of the people that I respect the most now a person I think has done a heck of a lot for this world as a leader is Margaret Thatcher. She helped create a world that offers us a lot of excitement as we look to the next century.

The twentieth century has exhibited a barbarism and lack of respect for human life on a massive scale just about unknown before.

Instead in the absence of respect for human rights science and its offspring technology have been used in this century as brutal instruments for oppression.

No account of the Renaissance can be complete without some notice of the attempt made by certain Italian scholars of the fifteenth century to reconcile Christianity with the religion of ancient Greece.

Sex is the ersatz or substitute religion of the 20th Century.

In the 21st century I believe the mission of the United Nations will be defined by a new more profound awareness of the sanctity and dignity of every human life regardless of race or religion.

I firmly believe that the mission of religion in the 21st century must be to contribute concretely to the peaceful coexistence of humankind.

Since the 18th century many Western intellectuals have predicted religion's imminent demise.

I am very proud of this work because it is more about the meaning of the Easter Rising and its relationship to what this whole century has been about people liberating themselves freeing themselves.

Since the beginning of the 21st century thanks to the concerted efforts of both sides China-U.S. relationship has on the whole enjoyed steady growth. Since President Obama took office we have maintained close contact through exchange of visits meetings telephone conversations and letters.

As I grew up I was continually to suffer hardships in different realms of life - in my family in my relationship to Japanese society and in my way of living at large in the latter half of the twentieth century.

The African American's relationship to Africa has long been ambivalent at least since the early nineteenth century when 3 000 black men crowded into Bishop Richard Allen's African Methodist Episcopal Church in Philadelphia to protest noisily a plan to recolonize free blacks in Africa.

The force of the advertising word and image dwarfs the power of other literature in the 20th century.

Over the last half century the television interview has given us some of TV's most heart-stopping and memorable moments. On the surface it is a simple format - two people sitting across from one another having a conversation. But underneath it is often a power struggle - a battle for the psychological advantage.

The beef industry has contributed to more American deaths than all the wars of this century all natural disasters and all automobile accidents combined.

In my opinion the most significant works of the twentieth century are those that rise beyond the conceptual tyranny of genre they are at the same time poetry criticism narrative drama etc.

The poetry from the eighteenth century was prose the prose from the seventeenth century was poetry.

One of the most powerful devices of poetry is the use of distortions. You can go from talking about the way a minute passes to the way a century passes or a lifetime.

A grain of poetry suffices to season a century.

And I mean I think poetry does need to be met to some extent especially I guess 19th century poetry and for me it's just been so worth the effort. It's like I'm planting a garden in my head.