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If we attempt to block the development of new technology we effectively have ensured that the most responsible parties will not develop them.

The laws of physics should allow us to arrange things molecule by molecule and even atom by atom and at some point it was inevitable that we would develop a technology that would let us do this.

I knew I wanted to do something at the nexus of what I call global development and technology.

I have never come across a technology that doesn't change. This is inevitable. You have to adapt your systems as technology develops.

If we invest in researching and developing energy technology we'll do some real good in the long run rather than just making ourselves feel good today. But climate change is not the only challenge of the 21st century and for many other global problems we have low-cost durable solutions.

World War II had a very important impact on the development of technology as a whole.

If you really want to improve technology if you want things to work better and be better you've got to protect the person who spends a lot of effort money and time developing that new technology.

Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process.

It's hard to pay attention these days because of multiple affects of the information technology nowadays. You tend to develop a faster speedier mind but I don't think it's necessarily broader or smarter.

Capitalist production therefore develops technology and the combining together of various processes into a social whole only by sapping the original sources of all wealth - the soil and the labourer.

If we continue to develop our technology without wisdom or prudence our servant may prove to be our executioner.

In my teens I developed a passionate idolatry for a teacher of English literature. I wanted to do something that he would approve of more so I thought I should be some sort of a scholar.

Teaching is the only major occupation of man for which we have not yet developed tools that make an average person capable of competence and performance. In teaching we rely on the 'naturals ' the ones who somehow know how to teach.

Our trials our sorrows and our grieves develop us.

American inventiveness and the desire to build developed because we were guaranteed the right to own our success.

You've got to eat while you dream. You've got to deliver on short-range commitments while you develop a long-range strategy and vision and implement it. The success of doing both. Walking and chewing gum if you will. Getting it done in the short-range and delivering a long-range plan and executing on that.

Success is achieved by developing our strengths not by eliminating our weaknesses.

The military might of a country represents its national strength. Only when it builds up its military might in every way can it develop into a thriving country.

The single currency should allow the European Union and therefore France to balance its monetary strength with the United States. It should help us adjust to the development of China.

We need to reach that happy stage of our development when differences and diversity are not seen as sources of division and distrust but of strength and inspiration.

I believe you'll develop speed via strength work which includes hill running either repeats or running hilly courses as the Kenyans do on a steady basis.

The strength of the playing ability is much more important. Only if the strength of the opponent's playing ability is comparable does the game develop.

Somehow I kept my head above water. I relied on the discipline character and strength that I had started to develop as that little girl in her first swimming pool.

We set ourselves limits but we are all strong enough to aim higher to achieve our goals. All we have to do is find such strength within ourselves. Know how to develop it.