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America's strength is not our diversity our strength is our ability to unite people of different backgrounds around common principles. A common language is necessary to reach that goal.

I pick projects according to how fascinating they are to me and it has resulted in a broad reach. My records are actually in five different sports: balloons airplanes airships gliders and sailboats.

I used to play football at school and I enjoyed really physical sports but I now try to avoid any sports that might build up different muscles. That might have a negative impact on my archery.

I'm a father of four so whenever I'm not working my kids have their different sports or plays or school performances so I don't do a whole lot of other stuff besides being a dad.

When you're a kid growing up and you think you're gay you know that you're different you're often teased and it can really destroy your self-esteem. But sports can be great for building self-esteem.

I think it's good for sports cars to be united to be just one. I think it's good for the fans. When you have two different series fans don't know which way to go when you only have one I think it's good for the sport.

I grew up playing sports football basketball baseball everything and acting was such a different environment and different world for me.

There's steps that I've taken already and each week talking with the sports psychologist on a routine basis and working with the different programs that we're going through. This is all stuff that you can say you're going to make a difference but I'm putting it into action.

Read the news section of the newspaper and there is confusion and uncertainty a world buffeted by large forces people neither understand nor control. But turn to the sports section and it's all different.

It's become another dimension to who I am. I don't think Sports Illustrated is going to be wanting me. But who cares? I'm at a different place in my life.

I do feel like I have always in my life been inclined to be on the outside walk a different path or something. Because of that and increasingly over the years my sense of distance from mainstream society or from the way culture works I have a different kind of perception of it.

I think top scientists need to be compensated at a different scale in society. Somebody with experience will tell you that true scientists are not motivated by money - they are motivated by the quest itself. That is true. But I think an additional recognition will not hurt.

A social problem is one that concerns the way in which people live together in one society. A racial problem is a problem which confronts two different races who live in two separate societies even if those societies are side by side.

Progress is measured by the degree of differentiation within a society.

Mainstream cinema raises questions only to immediately provide an answer to them so they can send the spectator home reassured. If we actually had those answers then society would appear very different from what it is.

Yes all fundamentalists feel that in a secular society God has been relegated to the margin to the periphery and they are all in different ways seeking to drag him out of that peripheral position back to center stage.

I started imagining this whole different world. It was a society of musicians a family I hoped I could belong to one day.

One thing that makes France different from other countries is the tradition of social solidarity. People from all backgrounds and political positions are willing to contribute for services and protection of society as a whole - but on the condition that money is being spent effectively and that everyone is paying their part.

I think being different going against the grain of society is the greatest thing in the world.

Boy's natural play is rough and tumble play it's the universal play of little boys. And it's very different from aggression. And we are a society that's failing to understand the distinction.

The trouble is it's very difficult to pin-point the most important thing because Aids affects everyone in different levels of society differently and you have to respond to it differently.

Women are treated differently by society for exactly the same reason that children and the mentally handicapped are treated differently.

A commercial society whose members are essentially ascetic and indifferent in social ritual has to be provided with blueprints and specifications for evoking the right tone for every occasion.

Bjorn was a different breed I threw my best material at him but he would never smile but that added to the charm when he played me and Mac. We were going nuts and losing our mind and he was sitting back like he was on a Sunday stroll.