Search Results For different In Quotes 958

I enjoy jokes smiling and making people smile. I may be a little different but that's OK who wants to be normal anyway?

Science is based on the possibility of objectivity on the possibility of different people checking out for themselves the observations made by others. Without that possibility there is no empirical principle capable of deciding between different arguments and theories.

There's no doubt that scientific training helps many authors to write better science fiction. And yet several of the very best were English majors who could not parse a differential equation to save their lives.

I was on the football team because I wanted to experience the different iconic social classes of high school. So football for me was an attempt to socially integrate in an interesting way. And then I didn't like it anymore and stopped doing it and focused more on drama and science and other forms of art and music.

I grew up a Red Sox fan. I grew up going to Fenway Park and the Museum of Fine Arts and the Science Museum and Symphony Hall and going to the Common walking around. My whole family at different times lived and worked in Boston.

What has become clear from the science is that we cannot burn all of the fossil fuels without creating a very different planet.

If you just have a single problem to solve then fine go ahead and use a neural network. But if you want to do science and understand how to choose architectures or how to go to a new problem you have to understand what different architectures can and cannot do.

If I wasn't doing this I'd be in school studying political science or socioeconomic something. I love visiting different cultures and finding out how they make up a society.

Today's preoccupation with physical theories of everything takes a wrong turn from the purpose of science - to question all things relentlessly. Modern physics has become like Swift's kingdom of Laputa flying absurdly on an island above the earth and indifferent to what is beneath.

In Poland my audience is all women between 18 and 30. At U.S. conventions you have the fantasy and science fiction crowd. At Harvard you have an entirely different audience. It's so schizophrenic.

My training in Science of Mind had begun with my mother. She took me to a different church every Sunday and she encouraged me to question the minister afterward.

What's different here is that we have now technologies that allow these life science companies to bypass classical breeding. That's what makes it both powerful and exciting.

I have a Ph.D. in cell biology. And that's really manual labor. I mean experimental science you do it with your hands. So it's very different. You're out there in a lab cleaning test tubes and it just wasn't that fascinating.

Anthropology is the science which tells us that people are the same the whole world over - except when they are different.

Unfortunately things are different in climate science because the arguments have become heavily politicised. To say that the dogmas are wrong has become politically incorrect.

I also think we need to maintain distinctions - the doctrine of creation is different from a scientific cosmology and we should resist the temptation which sometimes scientists give in to to try to assimilate the concepts of theology to the concepts of science.

Science predicts that many different kinds of universe will be spontaneously created out of nothing. It is a matter of chance which we are in.

Science is global. Einstein's equation E=mc2 has to reach everywhere. Science is a beautiful gift to humanity we should not distort it. Science does not differentiate between multiple races.

'A Bug's Life' is a really funny movie and the characters have such different personalities. The movie is happy and then gets really sad and I'm like W'hoa I'm feeling this way and this movie is about bugs!'

I would be sad if it ended now. It's been the best job I've had by a long shot especially creatively because the writing is so good. Every week I get the script and I laugh out loud and get excited for the different stuff we get to do.

The sad fact is that the same terrorist scenarios if they occurred in five different States there could be five different sets of responses to the American people. We need at a minimum a level of coordination on communicating threats to the public.

It's sad when you can't make everyone happy though. It's impossible but at the same time you still hope. You think 'Maybe I can do it ' but you know you can't. But gosh if I had to rely on giving people what they wanted I would have had to write 40 billion different books and even then I wouldn't get it right.

All he cares about is going out there with his Jack Daniels bottle. Nothing has changed. That's kind of sad. If David was doing better than he used to be then that would be different. But it was a joke and he made it that way.

I was a very good girl for a long time that's what really drew me to acting. The stage was the perfect place to be outrageous to be sad to be angry to be all these different things.