Search Results For doesn In Quotes 773

Whether one believes in a religion or not and whether one believes in rebirth or not there isn't anyone who doesn't appreciate kindness and compassion.

I would stay on but 'General Hospital' honestly doesn't seem to want that relationship with this character at the moment. They want little short doses during sweeps periods.

My relationship and the bond with the people in Montreal was kind of special and doesn't happen very often.

I think when you're trying to produce a relationship on screen that doesn't actually exist perhaps sometimes there's a temptation to look at each other more to touch each other more.

My work is about life as you and I experience it. You're either lucky or you're not lucky either your relationship works or it doesn't.

You've got to honor your relationship with your audience - that they sit down because they want to be entertained. And that doesn't mean you can't provoke them and antagonize them and challenge them in the course of the entertainment as long as you keep the entertainment part of the equation alive.

It's not that you know when a relationship doesn't work and there are issues you have to somehow work it out if there are children involved.

If a relationship is founded on love it doesn't end.

I wouldn't date an actress. There's only room for one actor in my life and I'm it. Too difficult. On the one hand they understand the job. But on the other hand it's very competitive within the relationship. Two actors say one becomes a mega-star and the other doesn't.

Syria and Iran have always had a pretty tight relationship and it looks to me like they just cooked up a press release to put out to sort of restate the obvious. They're both problem countries we know that. And this doesn't change anything.

When a relationship doesn't work anymore it's terrible to stay with someone that you don't love.

Golf has an ambivalent relationship with the environment. On one hand it's a great preserver of open spaces. Golf doesn't pave the world - it helps to green the world. But the downside is it uses a lot of fertilizer pesticides and water.

There's a lot about the character. It doesn't always happen but there are some characters you really create a relationship with almost as if they were your friend. And you never get into their heads again or think like them.

There's the theory that nudity doesn't really make something sexy the characters and their relationship make it sexy.

When one has love for God one doesn't feel any physical attraction to wife children relatives and friends. One retains only compassion for them.

I believe that two people are connected at the heart and it doesn't matter what you do or who you are or where you live there are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together.

In the sense that you're not at the centre of power like a president or prime minister of a major power everyone is marginalised my position doesn't isn't unique in that respect. I think there are different sorts of relevance in different contexts.

Technology gives us power but it does not and cannot tell us how to use that power. Thanks to technology we can instantly communicate across the world but it still doesn't help us know what to say.

I think that if your approach is one where you don't want to alienate anybody you're going to have to soften the viewpoint or the information that you're offering to such an extent that it doesn't have the power to make any difference. You have to take that risk.

Power doesn't corrupt people people corrupt power.

I love being a wife and homemaker - because it's my choice. My husband doesn't expect me to do it. I don't mind doing things for him because he does so much for me we both feel that way so there is no power struggle.

If one can stick to the training throughout the many long years then will power is no longer a problem. It's raining? That doesn't matter. I am tired? That's besides the point. It's simply that I just have to.

Never allow a person to tell you no who doesn't have the power to say yes.

Kids go to school and college and get through but they don't seem to really care about using their minds. School doesn't have the kind of long term positive impact that it should.