Search Results For education In Quotes 1065

A system of education which would not gratify this disposition in any party is requisite in order to obviate the difficulty and the reader will find a something said to that purpose in perusing this tract.

A postsecondary education is the ticket to economic success in America.

THE rich possess ample means to realize any theory they may chuse to adopt in the education of their children regardless of the cost but it is not so with him whose Subsistence is derived from industry.

Teachers say their schools of education did not adequately prepare them for the classroom. They would have welcomed more mentoring and feedback in their early years.

We face a choice this election. President Obama is fighting for changes that grow the economy from the middle out and help all Americans succeed - jobs education health reform the DREAM Act equal pay for women. He is moving us forward with opportunity today for prosperity tomorrow. Mitt Romney wants to take us back to yesterday.

Research shows that children do better in school and are less likely to drop out when fathers are involved. Engaged parents can strengthen communities mentor and tutor students and demonstrate through their actions how much they value their children's education.

Education particularly higher education will take Africa into the mainstream of globalization.

In my family there was one cardinal priority - education. College was not an option it was mandatory. So even though we didn't have a lot of money we made it work. I signed up for financial aid Pell Grants work study anything I could.

In more than 20 years I've spent studying the issue I have yet to hear a convincing argument that college football has anything do with what is presumably the primary purpose of higher education: academics.

Maybe it's a tired tale but without an education you're not going to go anywhere.

Immigration is not the top issue for Latinos. Latinos are like every other American - economy jobs healthcare education.

My idea of education is to unsettle the minds of the young and inflame their intellects.

I was taught by my father. He was head of the primary school so I went to his school until I was 11 - I was the youngest of four daughters and we had all been taught by him. But I didn't really enjoy my secondary education that much probably because I am a very physical person and don't enjoy sitting at a desk all day.

Education is not to reform students or amuse them or to make them expert technicians. It is to unsettle their minds widen their horizons inflame their intellects teach them to think straight if possible.

But I didn't really enjoy my secondary education that much probably because I am a very physical person and don't enjoy sitting at a desk all day. I just dragged myself through GCSE and A Levels so it suited me very much to go on to drama school which was very active.

Education is a kind of continuing dialogue and a dialogue assumes different points of view.

What you have in most education software is that they're catering to the decision-maker who makes the budget allocations and that decision-maker has a lot of check boxes. Does it do this? Check. Does it do that? Check. They could care less about the end user experience.

No one bill will cure the problem of spam. It will take a combined effort of legislation litigation enforcement customer education and technology solutions.

We have been learning since we were children how to make money buy things build things. The whole education system is set up to teach us how to think not to feel.

Education enables people and societies to be what they can be.

The smartest thing we can do to create high-wage jobs and grow our economy is to keep our focus on education.

President Obama is a principled man who has worked hard to put healthcare and a good education in the reach of millions of Americans and believes that everyone who works hard and plays by the rules should have a fair shot at the American dream.

Real education should educate us out of self into something far finer into a selflessness which links us with all humanity.

I loved education and yes I did want to go on learning.