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I think I'm learning to be bolder in my career choices and be more confident in my personal life. I haven't always felt very secure as an individual but now I feel I certain confidence and sense of self that gets me through the day a lot better than before.

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We were a family who had come from nothing and now we had respect from French people of all sorts.

When men take pleasure in feeling their minds elevated with strong drink and so indulge their appetite as to disorder their understandings neglect their duty as members of a family or civil society and cast off all regard to religion their case is much to be pitied.

Art and Religion are then two roads by which men escape from circumstance to ecstasy. Between aesthetic and religious rapture there is a family alliance. Art and Religion are means to similar states of mind.

There's a generation of people I think without a strong connection to family to religion to civic duty. They have a real disassociation from the problems of the world.

To play June I had an immediate connect with her background and culture. We grew up with the same religion and shared a lot of the same values of family and spirituality. But I was really so inspired by what a modern woman she was.

The Sabbath is a weekly cathedral raised up in my dining room in my family in my heart.

It was really important in my relationship with James Caan that I understood the relationship between the family and the father.

The only person who had any control was Jonathan Harris. His character was so flamboyant that he was able to make things happen. My character was fairly one-dimensional so I had my relationship with Dr. Smith and with the family.

If you're lucky like me your relationship with your brother has resolved itself on the peaceful side of the fence and has stayed there. But if you're someone who's got a family that's all fractured and finding it hard to relate that's a very sad place to be.

I told my father to stop smoking around the age of two or three years old and he stopped smoking. So the relationship between the kid and the parent is very powerful and if you give the kid the right information it can be very useful to the family.

Everything Sholom Aleichem talks about in his plays and his short stories is about people family man's relationship with his God the breaking down of tradition.

I had a great time making the last movie 'Eclipse.' We shot my back-story stuff from the 1930's. But I was waiting for 'Breaking Dawn' because I love the relationship Rosalie has with Jacob and the rest of her family and Bella. She also provides comic relief.

I came from a family where joining a union was the expected thing to do. I've always believed that the relationship between an employer and an individual worker is fundamentally unequal.

As I grew up I was continually to suffer hardships in different realms of life - in my family in my relationship to Japanese society and in my way of living at large in the latter half of the twentieth century.

The needs of babies and toddlers were constant and drained the life out my sense of self and my family's relationship with each other.

It's impossible. You try to have any kind of relationship with your family with a man or with a friend and you have to be on the phone and the Internet the entire time.

The players wanted more money higher salary caps and they didn't have that family relationship we felt with the players. Mentally the players were more businesslike.

My family gave me values that have sustained me through situations that would challenge any person. My personal relationship with the Lord inspires me in all I do.

I'm very pleased with being a part of the Bean Pole family. It's a relationship that makes sense to me. I'm very pleased to have my name associated with Bean Pole Jeans.

When I've had hard times in my life the one thing about being in TV is that it's positive. I withdrew to 'Cheers ' it was familiar in that it was family. It had a kind of realistic positiveness to it.

I appreciate the 'Surreal Life.' I had a really positive experience on that show and with those people. I found some love in my heart for religion again and had the support of a new family of friends. I wouldn't have had the pleasure of meeting those people if we were not all placed in that fishbowl.

So many reality shows are scripted and create this fake drama and it's a bunch of bull. We wanted to do something real and something wholesome and something that's focused on positive family values.

I was raised on the values of speaking up and making a positive difference in a very political family that believed in the importance of public service.

Americans try to talk about positive family values although the actual state of things is disastrous.