Search Results For gonna In Quotes 112

I'm gonna be making records anyway even if I had to sell 'em out of the trunk of my car. I'm that kind of musician and singer.

I've got two old Volvos two old Subarus and an old Ford Ranger. If you've got an old car you've gotta have at least several old cars 'cause one's always gonna be in the garage.

In Japan they have TV sets in cars right now where you can punch up traffic routes weather everything! You can get Internet access already in cars in Japan so within the next 2 to 3 years it's gonna be so crazy!

You can never get to a place of comfort in this business. As soon as you hit that little cushy spot somebody's gonna kick you out. So I have a constant need to do it better.

I feel lazy when I'm not working. I learned all my business sense from my dad. He always believed in me and I think the last thing he said to me before he passed away was 'I know you're gonna be OK. I'm not worried about you'.

Creative people don't behave very well generally. If you're looking for examples of good relationships in show business you're gonna be depressed real fast. I don't have time for anything else right now but work and my daughter. She's my first priority.

I was at this casino minding my own business and this guy came up to me and said 'You're gonna have to move you're blocking a fire exit.' As though if there was a fire I wasn't gonna run. If you're flammible and have legs you are never blocking a fire exit.

I am so excited this year getting to play the 85th Anniversary Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Everyone knows on Thanksgiving morning to get up turn on the TV and watch the parade so to be an actual participant is going to be fun and I'm looking forward to it. I am gonna have to put on my deer hunting gear though to stay warm!

I guess because I had such a horrible life growing up going from place to place not knowing what I was gonna do and ending up being homeless there was a lot of pain and a lot of anger that was coming out through my guitar playing.

A lot of my humor does come from anger. It's like you're not gonna pull one over on me - which is pretty much my motto anyways.

I just did a part in 'Sin City 2.' I got to do a scene with Ray Liotta. Amazing man extraordinary gentleman who was just so kind to me... I'm so excited about that I think it's gonna be very cool.

You know when I was a kid waiting on the bus I remember that was when I imagined my life. I imagined everything that I was gonna be when I grew up and I imagined all of these amazing journeys and amazing people I'd meet. Of course all of it has kind of come to fruition.

Surfing is such an amazing concept. You're taking on Nature with a little stick and saying 'I'm gonna ride you!' And a lot of times Nature says 'No you're not!' and crashes you to the bottom.

I kicked the door open and I'm gonna hold my leg in there. I'm keeping the door open for all these amazing female singer-songwriters that are coming out.

It's an amazing luxury to say I'm 31 years old and I'm gonna take a year off. That's pretty amazing.

I wanted to be a teacher. I love children so I wanted to deal with children. Then I wanted to be a veterinarian. But by the age of ten or eleven when I opened my mouth and said 'Oh God what's this?' I kind of knew teaching and being a veterinarian were gonna have to wait.