Search Results For interest In Quotes 918

No one was going to stop me from writing and no one had to really guide me towards science fiction. It was natural really that I would take that interest.

Science fiction was never my thing. I have no interest in it.

I've always felt that the human-centered approach to computer science leads to more interesting more exotic more wild and more heroic adventures than the machine-supremacy approach where information is the highest goal.

Learn about the world the way it works any kind of science and anthropology it's really an interesting place we live in. Evolution is a really fantastic idea even more than the idea of God I think.

If I can get some student interested in science if I can show members of the general public what's going on up there in the space program then my job's been done.

I didn't mind studying. Obviously math and the physical science subjects interested me more than some of the more artistic subjects but I think I was a pretty good student.

The artist does not illustrate science (but) he frequently responds to the same interests that a scientist does.

I was always very interested in science and I knew that for me science was a better long-term career than tennis.

I liked math - that was my favorite subject - and I was very interested in astronomy and in physical science.

It cannot be said often enough that science fiction as a genre is incredibly educational - and I'm speaking the written science fiction not 'Star Trek.' Science fiction writers tend to fill their books if they're clever with little bits of interesting stuff and real stuff.

In science we must be interested in things not in persons.

Film-makers are always going to be interested in making movies that plug into society around them. That's what a vibrant artistically alert community should be doing. After all it would be sad if we only made films about alien robots.

I look at my people and I look at those who control them - the political elite. And the sad thing is that the elites are just not interested in the welfare of the people.

You will soon find that I am a bit obsessive about my work. And that is a little sad one often feels strangely restricted not finding time to simmer although one actually has many interests.

I find America falling in love with a TV show flattering and interesting but at the same time a little sad.

Make the most of your regrets never smother your sorrow but tend and cherish it till it comes to have a separate and integral interest. To regret deeply is to live afresh.

I'm getting a lot of uninteresting romantic lead guys that look good and fall in love sort of garbage.

I had no romantic interest in Gable. I considered him an older man.

The only thing I would unequivocally say is that I have never had any interest in romantic comedy I just couldn't do it. I think I'd be terrible.

I feel close to Lloyd in 'Say Anything'. He was like a super-interesting version of me. Only I'm not as good as him. Whatever part of me is romantic and optimistic I reached into that to play Lloyd.

I have never acted he has never been cast in a romantic lead or has been cast opposite a female love interest in any movie he starred in.

I am very proud to come back to speak on the disinterested effort we have made and I believe that with all due respect that the decisions we made when we turned our final report over to President Johnson will stand in history.

In parallel with the development of my interests in technical gadgetry I began to acquire a profound love of and respect for the natural world which motivates my scientific thinking to this day.

I think any period in history can be adapted into interesting fiction as long as you approach the actual history with respect.