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We the people. Manifest Destiny. Conceived in liberty. Fear itself. Ask not. Morning in America. United we stand. Yes we can. In times of great change and tumult presidents seek to inspire beleaguered Americans by reminding them of their national identity.

Search Results For leaves In Quotes 83

Anger and hate against one we love steels our hearts but contempt or pity leaves us silent and ashamed.

Anger is a killing thing: it kills the man who angers for each rage leaves him less than he had been before - it takes something from him.

Becoming food savvy is one thing but it's amazing how fast savvy turns to snooty and snooty leaves you preparing three-hour meals that break your budget and that the kids won't even eat.

Americans different in some maybe thoughts or emphasis still have the same ideas. They want a government that lets them be free that leaves them alone that doesn't interrupt and interfere with every aspect of their life that lets them go to work and keep more of what they've worked hard to have.

Every animal leaves traces of what it was man alone leaves traces of what he created.

I love my government not least for the extent to which it leaves me alone.

Earth teach me to forget myself as melted snow forgets its life. Earth teach me resignation as the leaves which die in the fall. Earth teach me courage as the tree which stands all alone. Earth teach me regeneration as the seed which rises in the spring.

What though youth gave love and roses Age still leaves us friends and wine.

I try to write lyrics so that they won't age which sort of leaves you with the big subjects like death and love and sex and violence.

As winter strips the leaves from around us so that we may see the distant regions they formerly concealed so old age takes away our enjoyments only to enlarge the prospect of the coming eternity.

The mind that is wise mourns less for what age takes away than what it leaves behind.