Search Results For million In Quotes 297

Just recently I was in Target with my mom shopping and out of the blue I see this father and his two daughters and he says 'Can they get a picture with you?' And I'm thinking to myself 'Am I the one millionth customer or something?'

We've got activists all across the country like the members of the Million Mom March organization some of their leaders are here tonight. We're phone banking congressional offices and pursuing editorial boards.

Imagine my surprise when after a lifetime of teaching me to keep personal things to myself Mom insisted my drawings were the start of a comic strip for millions of people to enjoy.

Millions of men have lived to fight build palaces and boundaries shape destinies and societies but the compelling force of all times has been the force of originality and creation profoundly affecting the roots of human spirit.

Fable is more historical than fact because fact tells us about one man and fable tells us about a million men.

Modern medical advances have helped millions of people live longer healthier lives. We owe these improvements to decades of investment in medical research.

If we don't change millions of American families are just one medical emergency or one layoff away from financial disaster and bankruptcy.

I do not believe that Congress or the Administration should prohibit the medical community from pursuing a promising avenue of research that may improve the lives of millions of Americans.

More than 1.1 million taxpayers in Pennsylvania will enjoy a lower tax rate more than 1.4 million married couples will benefit from the reduction in the marriage penalty and more than 1.1 million parents will have the advantage of an increased child tax credit.

Independence doesn't - doesn't equate to moderates. Millions of independents are pro-life. Millions of independents believe marriage is between a man and a woman.

Marriage can be expensive and if I lose millions then it'll be the best millions I've spent.

The press is just not your friend when it comes to a marriage. That's why we didn't sell the pictures of our wedding and we got offered millions of dollars for them millions.

I'd marry again if I found a man who had fifteen million dollars would sign over half to me and guarantee that he'd be dead within a year.

I believe in an America where millions of Americans believe in an America that's the America millions of Americans believe in. That's the America I love.

On behalf of NARAL Pro-Choice America - and our one million member activists - I am honored to be here to talk to you about what's at stake for women in 2012. I am proud to say that the Democratic Party believes that women have the right to choose a safe legal abortion with dignity and privacy.

We should not blur the lines between legal and illegal immigrants. Millions of people around the world have gone through the process to come here legally and they followed the rules that required them to pay a fee learn English and learn about American history and government.

There are millions of people who consume music illegally every month. Just getting them into a legal service will make the music industry way bigger than it's ever been before.

The people and the mindset that killed 3 000 of our fellow citizens on September 11 2001 would have killed not 3 0 but 300 000 if they could have or 3 million or 30 million. We need to do everything we can within our value systems and legal structures to make sure that doesn't happen.

But you can count the dead bodies from alcohol tobacco and legal pharmaceuticals by the millions.

In the United States we spend millions of dollars on sports because it promotes teamwork discipline and the experience of learning to make great progress in small increments. Learning to play music does all this and more.

I count myself as one of millions of Americans whose life simply would not be the same without the libraries that supported my learning.

Tennis was always sort of a - a learning. It was a vehicle for me to discover a lot about myself. And the things that I sort of discovered at times I not only didn't want to see it for myself but I certainly didn't want millions of people to see it.

Contrary to current cynicism about past golden ages the abstraction known as 'the intelligent layperson' does exist - in the form of millions of folks with a passionate commitment to continuous learning.

It's learning how to negotiate to keep both sides happy - whether it's for a multi-million dollar contract or just which show to watch on TV that determines the quality and enjoyment of our lives.