Search Results For morning In Quotes 895

I was the first in my peer group to get pregnant. All I craved was reassurance. I needed someone to tell me that all the seemingly random symptoms I had - weird things such as excess saliva - were normal. And I was worried because I wasn't getting any morning sickness.

Everybody's after a new morning. What do we have to run up and salute tomorrow?

Before I go to bed at night I ice my face because it closes your pores and makes a difference in the morning.

I could wake up six in the morning go downstairs and record. I learned how to use ProTools and everything. Whenever I felt it I could record.

That was my childhood. I grew up with the monks studying Sanskrit and meditating for hours in the morning and hours in the evening and going once a day to beg for food.

I didn't know that I could do a talk show. I didn't know that we could bring variety to daytime. I didn't know that people wanted to see singing and dancing and comedy in the morning.

On tour I'll get up at 5 p.m. and go to bed at 8 in the morning. With fishing it's the exact opposite. Fishing is the only healthy thing I do. Touring is such a grind it's the opposite of healthy.

I like freedom. I wake up in the morning and say 'I don't know should I have a popsicle or a donut?' You know who knows?

Change is tough people don't like it but it is necessary. Take two aspirins and call me in the morning.

In Rio Bravo when Duke makes love to Feathers the scene dissolves to the next morning where we see him putting on his vest and almost humming. It was subtle but you knew what happened. Give me a towel and some blankets any day!

Between 2 and 3 in the morning of the 19th inst. I was aroused by the cry that the enemy was upon us.

I run in the morning lift weights in the afternoon basketball training at night and then lift weights again at night.

You wrestle one night get up the next morning and fly out to the next city. You try to work out you try to get some food into you and lo and behold you have to go work again. You are living out of a suitcase.

The reasons why I left were to do with my interest in Buddhism. There were experiences over a period of about six months which caused me to decide to give up music so one morning I felt I had to go to E.G. Management and tell them.

Four hours of makeup and then an hour to take it off. It's tiring. I go in I get picked up at two-thirty in the morning I get there at three. I wait four hours go through it ready to work at seven work all day long for twelve hours and get it taken off for an hours go home and go to sleep and do the same thing again.

I just enjoy life now. I just enjoy every morning I get to wake up.

The present moment is nice but it does not last. Living in it is like waiting in a junction town for the morning limited the junction may be interesting but some day you will have to leave it and you do not know where the limited will take you.

In this respect early youth is exactly like old age it is a time of waiting for a big trip to an unknown destination. The chief difference is that youth waits for the morning limited and age waits for the night train.

When I run in the morning my body spends the first 20 minutes trying to figure out what's happening to it.

Nobody wakes up in the morning thinking 'I'm a bad guy.' They think they're the right guy.

You know what I like to do? I love waking up early making them breakfast taking them to school having time in the morning with them. With six kids it's like a reality show.

My workout regimen at the moment is nonexistent. I wake up in the morning and brush my teeth. My toothbrush and deodorant are my only dumbbells. That's about it.

I have a family and two cats I get up with my kids early in the morning.

They put me on the shift where they thought I could do the least harm midnight to eight in the morning. Although the hours were lousy they were perfect for an apprentice reporter.