Search Results For myself In Quotes 987

When it comes to locations I'm one of those crazy authors who has to see it touch it taste it before I trust myself to recreate it for my readers. Having said that visiting a locked-down pediatric psych ward was the most intimidating research I've ever done - and I've visited maximum security prisons shooting galleries bone collections etc.

I now announce myself as candidate for the Presidency. I anticipate criticism but however unfavorable I trust that my sincerity will not be called into question.

I became much happier when I realized I shouldn't depend solely on my career for my sense of self. So I developed other interests and surrounded myself with a small group of friends I could trust.

In spite of the haze of speculation it is still something of a shock to find myself here coming to terms with an enormous trust placed in my hands and with the inevitable sense of inadequacy that goes with that.

You never know really what anyone thinks about you - that's why all my closest friends are ones I've had since my schooling days when I was 5. And I surround myself with people who I trust and who know me.

My bulimia was my addiction. Hurting myself was my addiction... The music is what saved me. That's the only thing I can trust.

One of the things I had to learn as a writer was to trust the act of writing. To put myself in the position of writing to find out what I was writing.

Trust me I play the game for the fans my family and myself.

It takes years for me to trust I know that about myself. A lot of it is because I am so private and so reluctant to make myself vulnerable.

As time goes by I realize that I do trust the wind. And I often write my songs for myself.

I've learned to trust myself to listen to truth to not be afraid of it and to not try and hide it.

I don't listen to people's opinions. I have people around me who I can trust but most of all I listen to myself.

I trust myself. You need that to survive.

I have in sincerity pledged myself to your service as so many of you are pledged to mine. Throughout all my life and with all my heart I shall strive to be worthy of your trust.

I've considered having my nose fixed. But I didn't trust anyone enough. If I could do it myself with a mirror.

Today I trust my instinct I trust myself. Finally.

I know it when I don't know it. Sometimes I know it when I don't think I know it. I need to trust myself in these moments these rare moments of self-doubt.

We are all selfish and I no more trust myself than others with a good motive.

I trust no one not even myself.

I can trust my friends These people force me to examine myself encourage me to grow.

My first ever job after college was as a flight attendant. I wanted to travel and could not afford it so I decided to get myself a job where I could travel. I did it for two years and had great fun.

My Christmas present to myself each year is to see how much air travel can open up the world and take me to places as far from sheltered California and Japan as possible.

When I think of myself at 15 even 17 I could simply not have done this work on an international level and travel all the time take care of myself and not feel lost. I feel very happy that this is happening now and not 10 years ago as I feel stronger as a person.

I just don't see myself as a travel writer. I can't. I don't.