Search Results For nobody In Quotes 276

I make movies that nobody will see. I've made movies that even I have never seen.

Woody Allen is really the ultimate. I love that he believed in himself enough to do what he did. And I have that same feeling - that there's nobody that looks like me in movies nobody would cast me as a romantic lead but I want to do it and I feel confident that I can.

Sure 'Twilight' is really huge right now and everybody's freaking out over it but it will go away soon and I will be back to doing what I'm used to doing: weird little movies that nobody sees.

Nobody makes movies like Oliver Stone.

Over the years all these vampire movies have come out and nobody looks like a vampire anymore.

Nobody makes movies bad on purpose.

Nobody wakes up in the morning thinking 'I'm a bad guy.' They think they're the right guy.

Nobody has time to keep trying on a load of things in the morning like a teenager.

I want to host a religious show. I'm sure nobody will be wanting the 11 o'clock spot on Sunday morning. I think we should really get some of our own preachers and preach that gay is good. And we'd have a great choir.

In these days a man is nobody unless his biography is kept so far posted up that it may be ready for the national breakfast-table on the morning after his demise.

And if small businesspeople say they made it on their own all they are saying is that nobody else worked seven days a week in their place. Nobody showed up in their place to open the door at five in the morning. Nobody did their thinking and worrying and sweating for them.

Above all this country is our own. Nobody has to get up in the morning and worry what his neighbors think of him. Being a Jew is no problem here.

When it comes to money nobody should give up anything.

Hip-hop don't have no fresh energy none at all. It's money driven everybody tryin' to make that cheque nobody putting art in their albums any more.

Nobody wants to read about the honest lawyer down the street who does real estate loans and wills. If you want to sell books you have to write about the interesting lawyers - the guys who steal all the money and take off. That's the fun stuff.

Everybody likes a kidder but nobody lends him money.

If we had 3 million exhibitionists and only one voyeur nobody could make any money.

If there's something that can be formulated regulated give you security then nobody would lose money. Every movie would be successful. And that's certainly not the case.

Nobody climbs mountains for scientific reasons. Science is used to raise money for the expeditions but you really climb for the hell of it.

Where large sums of money are concerned it is advisable to trust nobody.

Nobody works as hard for his money as the man who marries it.

That's the trouble with being me. At this point nobody gives a damn what my problem is. I could literally have a tumor on the side of my head and they'd be like 'Yeah big deal. I'd eat a tumor every morning for the kinda money you're pulling down.'

I'm not blaming my mom for my life because I am responsible for me and nobody can change me or ruin me easier than I can.

Once my mom passed away I have nobody to answer to. It's great.