Search Results For office In Quotes 227

I started out mopping floors waiting tables and tending bar at my dad's tavern. I put myself through school working odd jobs and night shifts. I poured my heart and soul into a small business. And when I saw how out-of-touch Washington had become with the core values of this great nation I put my name forward and ran for office.

The human face is the organic seat of beauty. It is the register of value in development a record of Experience whose legitimate office is to perfect the life a legible language to those who will study it of the majestic mistress the soul.

When I first left university I thought about going into the private sector. But I discovered when I went to interview that I could only have a career in the back office or doing HR. The attitude was 'My dear lady you cannot possibly think about going on the board.'

Even at the United Nations where legend has it that the building was designed so that there could be no corner offices the expanse of glass in individual offices is said to be a dead giveaway as to rank. Five windows are excellent one window not so great.

Warren Spector is amazing and his team is as good as any in the business. Shame to see all the revenues from their game entangled with all the madness of the Dallas office.

Former President Bill Clinton who is widely regarded as a political mastermind may have sounded like a traditional liberal at the beginning of his term in office. But what ultimately defined his presidency was his amazing pliability on matters of principle.

That is we believed the supreme duty of the parent who only was permitted to claim in some degree the priestly office and function since it is his creative and protecting power which alone approaches the solemn function of Deity.

We'll try to include Iraqi officers in our staffs. We will do everything we can to empower Iraqi security forces to stand up on their own and operate where they can alone.

Our country will I believe sooner forgive an officer for attacking an enemy than for letting it alone.

I wanted to be a forest ranger or a coal man. At a very early age I knew I didn't want to do what my dad did which was work in an office.

I started in the restaurant business at the age of 19 as a waitress. I loved the atmosphere and the camaraderie of the restaurant business. I loved not having to go to an office. I loved making people happy.