Search Results For older In Quotes 305

Movie acting is a great job for your twenties: You travel all over you have affairs with people and you throw yourself into one part and then another. It gets more challenging as you get older and it's not just having a daughter it's wanting to have your own life and be yourself.

My father wasn't around when I was a kid and I used to always say 'Why me? Why don't I have a father? Why isn't he around? Why did he leave my mother?' But as I got older I looked deeper and thought 'I don't know what my father was going through but if he was around all the time would I be who I am today?'

I played teen roles until high definition came out and I could never understand it. I would go in for adult roles and be older than many of the people auditioning but they'd cast the girl without a line on her face.

I'm committed to increasing long-term value for shareholders and am confident we will continue to do so through the successful execution of our core strategic priorities: the creation of high quality branded content and experiences the use of technology and creating growth in numerous and exciting international markets.

Social technology gives leaders a vital new platform with which to connect their companies to the myriad stakeholders who have an interest in their well being.

I started studying music at the age of five and a half. My older sister was taking piano lessons. When her teacher left our apartment I would get up on the piano bench and start picking out the notes that were part of my sister's lessons.

My career started young and I was really ambitious and then I had success and I hung out with people who were much older. I think I might have been temporally misplaced so I thought I was 40. It was a premature midlife crisis.

The more defects a man may have the older he is the less lovable the more resounding his success.

When you're younger your inspiration is there. As you get older it tends to waver. Once you find it - I found it again - that's where you can draw from. That's where you draw your strength from.

So many older people they just sit around all day long and they don't get any exercise. Their muscles atrophy and they lose their strength their energy and vitality by inactivity.

I have three kids and I'm a coach for a lot of their sports so I'm around them a lot but I see friends of mine with older kids and they don't really interact so much other than giving them a place to live.

My four older brothers were my favorite players. That's why I got into football and sports.

I had a great interest in sports. I had three older brothers who were great athletes. I was not.

As I get older I think contrary to modern assumption but in line with the old Lerner and Lowe song that it would actually benefit both them and society if - to quote Professor Higgins - a woman could be more like a man.

It's unfortunate that we live in such a panicked dysmorphic society where women don't even give themselves a chance to see what they'll look like as older persons. I want to have some idea of what I'll look like before I start cleaning the slates.

Companies to date have often used the excuse that they are only beholden to their shareholders but we need shareholders to think of themselves as stakeholders in the well being of society as well.

Corporate executives need to re-frame their responsibilities to include the interests of all the stakeholders in society at large not just shareholders but also employees the citizens of our communities and those who care about the environment.

I have nothing against younger women and older men on screen. What is sad is that so many women over 40 who have so much to give aren't being considered to play opposite men their own age or younger.

Nowadays you really have to pump out that blockbuster in order to have the luxury of getting a body of work and that's sad because the work suffers. Today everything is based on money. The older actors they inspire me.

Of these years nought remains in memory but the sad feeling that we have advanced and only grown older.

When I seemed to be irritable or sad my father would quote the learned Dr. Knight and then say 'Just go to sleep.' Like all smart aleck kids I thought the advice was silly. But as I've grown older I've realized just how smart Knight was.

I was raised in an atmosphere of 'everything's fine.' But as I got older I was like 'Well no everything's not fine. There is stuff that's sad.' I am a really sensitive person. I think I am too sensitive sometimes.

A handful of older romantic leading men like Sean Connery Jack Nicholson and Robert Redford are still landing parts.

I had no romantic interest in Gable. I considered him an older man.