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That a society controls to a greater or lesser extent the behavior of its members is a universal but the methods the particulars of that control vary from one culture to another.

The British are supposed to be particularly averse to intellectuals a prejudice closely bound up with their dislike of foreigners. Indeed one important source of this Anglo-Saxon distaste for highbrows and eggheads was the French revolution which was seen as an attempt to reconstruct society on the basis of abstract rational principles.

When you look at where the real problems are among minorities in our society particularly blacks it's at the bottom. It's the people who are in school systems that don't educate neighborhoods where there is a lot of crime drugs the whole bit.

I would argue that we have a generation of young people particularly minorities who are no longer putting up with the kinds of things their parents put up with. They're much more self-confident. It's no longer acceptable to make fun of people because of race or sex. But it has always been present in American society.

But actually so many of the clerics that I've met particularly the Church of England clerics are people of such extraordinary smugness and arrogance and conceitedness who are extraordinarily presumptuous about the significance of their position in society.

I don't think we live in a particularly equal society.

If we wish to preserve a free society it is essential that we recognize that the desirability of a particular object is not sufficient justification for the use of coercion.

I should tie myself to no particular system of society other than of socialism.

Since coming to Congress I have been advocating for increased resources for research in the physical sciences and for the Department of Energy Office of Science in particular.

I've always been a fan of science fiction films and I've never been able to put my particular spin on it.

As a microbiologist I am particularly concerned with Mr. Bush's blatant disregard for science.

As a child I read science fiction but from the very beginnings of my reading for pleasure I read a lot of non-fictional history particularly historical biography.

Philosophers have not kept up with modern developments in science. Particularly physics.

I think coldness is chic among writers and particularly ironic coldness. What is absolutely not allowable is sadness. People will do anything rather than to acknowledge that they are sad.

We all like stories that make us cry. It's so nice to feel sad when you've nothing in particular to feel sad about.

The sad thing about any business I suppose but in mine you see it particularly is that you're always asked to do what you've already done.

I don't think I'll ever escape the fact that I don't belong anywhere in particular. I've often dreamed about going back to Nigeria but that's a very romantic notion. It's a hideous country to go to in reality.

I think opera has gained a kind of glamorous appeal. It's a live performance that aligns all of the arts and when it is represented in the media in film in particular it is presented as something that is really a special event whether it's a great date or something that's just hugely romantic.

I think the crux of the matter was that if we were going to become partners in for example the International Space Station we had to gain the respect of a country like the United States and particularly its space organization NASA.

My object will be first to show by what connections the history of the fossil bones of land animals is linked to the theory of the earth and why they have a particular importance in this respect.

Second there are two problems with respect to mobile homes in particular. One is we obviously don't want to put them in a flood plain because if there's another flood you're going to lose the mobile home.

It is still a surprise when people tell me that I've had an influence on them particularly when it's someone I really respect.

Respect and affection for animals particularly those who share our homes recognize no geographic borders.

So I remember both medicine because I frequently sick particularly with asthma for which there was no proper treatment then and in religion I had a strong sense of there being a patriarchy.