Search Results For person In Quotes 1787

I am aware that a philosopher's ideas are not subject to the judgment of ordinary persons because it is his endeavour to seek the truth in all things to the extent permitted to human reason by God.

There are certain persons for whom pure Truth is a poison.

Once to every person and nation come the moment to decide. In the conflict of truth with falsehood for the good or evil side.

Find out who you are and be that person. That's what your soul was put on this Earth to be. Find that truth live that truth and everything else will come.

To me a real patriot is like a real friend. Who's your real friend? It's the person who tells you the truth. That's who my real friends are. So you know I think as far as our country goes we need more people who will do that.

Personality is only ripe when a man has made the truth his own.

Proverbs are always platitudes until you have personally experienced the truth of them.

It's a complete lie why do people buy these papers? It's not the truth I'm here to say. You know don't judge a person do not pass judgement unless you have talked to them one on one. I don't care what the story is do not judge them because it is a lie.

Human love has little regard for the truth. It makes the truth relative since nothing not even the truth must come between it and the beloved person.

Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth.

Deciding whether to trust or credit a person is always an uncertain task.

Espionage for the most part involves finding a person who knows something or has something that you can induce them secretly to give to you. That almost always involves a betrayal of trust.

I don't really trust a sane person.

The problem with not having a camera is that one must trust the analysis of a reporter who's telling you what occurred in the courtroom. You have to take into consideration the filtering effect of that person's own biases.

I am not the kind of girl who can trust a theory based on one person.

Do not trust to the cheering for those persons would shout as much if you and I were going to be hanged.

My biggest challenge is trust and really believing that trust in letting things just happen personally and professionally and trust with myself. But I'm getting better at it.

My disposition as a human being is kind of a go-along-to-get-along person. I tend to trust authority.

I have been extremely pleased to support the Trust's work in the Lupus Unit ever since. Personal experience also motivated me to become involved to help raise the awareness of the disease and hopefully thereby improve the speed of diagnosis.

Our citizens will lose their confidence or trust in the values and principles of the international community especially if our personal identity is denied.

I trust my mum with anything. If I have a problem my mum is always the first person I go to.

When you do a drama you are challenged to trust your inner voice much more. Because when you put a comedy in front of even a 25-person screening you know whether it's working or not. The barometer is overt.

Whether we knew many who died on September 11 or personally knew none we all lost something on that day. Innocence. Security. A trust that our homeland would always be safe.

He is still my father. He is still a person I know I could trust and he would never do anything against me. Once you're at the top there are not many people like that. People always want something from you.