Search Results For quiet In Quotes 140

You'll never have a quiet world till you knock the patriotism out of the human race.

We're living in a time when parenting is not at all mirroring the way I was parented. For me I just followed my parents around on their errands when they were busy on the phone I was quiet. It's a different kettle of fish these days: They run the house and you listen to their music and you go to their appointments.

The truth is that parents are not really interested in justice. They just want quiet.

I thoroughly enjoy getting away from the game and going out fishing because it's so relaxing so quiet and peaceful. I mean there's no noise other than nature - and it's so different from what I do in a tournament situation that it just eases my mind.

I'm really an inner spirit that only makes itself known through the music. A lot of people think I'm an introvert or quiet and moody. I've even heard some people say that there's a certain mystery or darkness about me. I'm not that way. I'm just really into what I do.

I've never had a very quiet voice. I tried in choir to make it smaller and it just didn't work out. And I listened to a lot of soul music when I was growing up on my own accord. But I was mostly into Mama Cass and Gladys Knight and they all had big voices too just different than mine.

Perhaps when music has been shouting for so long a quieter voice seems attractive.

In movies there are some things the French do that Americans are increasingly incapable of doing. One is honoring the complexities of youth. It's a quiet difficult undertaking requiring subtlety in a filmmaker and perception and patience from us.

Film spectators are quiet vampires.

In a still hot morning the tide went out and didn't come back in. This was not a spectacular event. The sea did not roll up like a scroll like the sky in Revelations. It quietly withdrew.

It was so quiet that morning in Paris that the heels of my two companions and myself were loud on the deserted pavements. It was a city of shuttered shops and barred windows and deserted avenues.

You know the men go to tea houses with the expectation that they will have a nice quiet evening and not read about it the next morning in the newspaper.

But I try to steal other moments. Sometimes I get up very early in the morning and enjoy a quiet house and cup of tea before the craziness begins. Other times I'll take a quick walk on the beach. You can find peace in a few minutes.

Arranging a bowl of flowers in the morning can give a sense of quiet in a crowded day - like writing a poem or saying a prayer.

If I feel strongly I say it. I know I can do more good by being vocal than by staying quiet. I'd have a whole lot more money if I lied but I wouldn't enjoy spending it.

Men would live exceedingly quiet if these two words mine and thine were taken away.

Wise men when in doubt whether to speak or to keep quiet give themselves the benefit of the doubt and remain silent.

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.

I thought marriage was something very quiet and very regular and very bourgeois.

They make Spy Kids they make Scream they make A Scary Movie. This doesn't do that so it could be a very bad marriage. I'm trying to keep this potential nightmare quiet because we're just finishing editing.

True love comes quietly without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells get your ears checked.

With an eye made quiet by the power of harmony and the deep power of joy we see into the life of things.

I am an example of what is possible when girls from the very beginning of their lives are loved and nurtured by people around them. I was surrounded by extraordinary women in my life who taught me about quiet strength and dignity.

The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.