Search Results For reasons In Quotes 132

When men are arrested without any legal basis and for political reasons it's merely a routine everyday occurrence in Russia and hardly anyone has any sympathy.

Torture is such a slippery slope as soon as you allow a society or any legal system to do that almost instantly you get a situation where people are being tortured for very trivial reasons.

These endless legal challenges that define elections in New York are a joke in this country and they are the reason why it is so expensive or one of the reasons it's so expensive to run here and why so many people decide not to run.

There's a void of leadership in a lot of Washington. I think one of the reasons why there's so much angst across the country.

They taught us because they wanted to pass the knowledge on and educate young musicians. It was not because they had to teach because they failed as musicians. There is a huge difference in the reasons why someone is teaching and what they can offer and what they cannot offer.

We read deeply for varied reasons most of them familiar: that we cannot know enough people profoundly enough that we need to know ourselves better that we require knowledge not just of self and others but of the way things are.

Psychopaths know the technical difference between right and wrong - which is one of the reasons their insanity pleas in criminal cases so rarely succeed they just fail to act on that knowledge.

In the Atlantean period there were many energies being used and information and knowledge being used which were for particular reasons of safety withdrawn shall we say to prevent complete catastrophe to prevent total destruction of your planet.

That's one of the reasons I moved to Florida. Of course the main reason is the weather and the training. But there's more jealousy in Switzerland because it's so little and they don't have so many athletes.

I do not want to go into its physical reasons: the construction of the human body is different from that of carnivorous animals. But man's intelligence is such that it can be utilised to defend any-thing he does whether right or wrong.

A woman uses her intelligence to find reasons to support her intuition.

The President has a wonderful sense of humor which is one of the reasons it is so much fun to work for him.

I hope I'm in a position to make stuff that I really want to make as opposed to stuff that I just have to make for money reasons or to sustain a certain marquee value.

We are all here to be a service to those who can't be a service to themselves. We can give people hope and more reasons for being human.

I should like to know what is the proper function of women if it is not to make reasons for husbands to stay at home and still stronger reasons for bachelors to go out.

People don't trust private health insurance companies for all the right reasons.

Aaron Pryor wants to get into the ring with me. He wants to be able to retire and he will. For health reasons.

God's children and their happiness are my reasons for being.

I think one of the basic reasons men make good friends is that they can make up their minds quickly.

A man always has two reasons for doing anything: a good reason and the real reason.

I grow plants for many reasons: to please my eye or to please my soul to challenge the elements or to challenge my patience for novelty or for nostalgia but mostly for the joy in seeing them grow.

I write about wounds the eternal treasons of life. It's not very funny but it's sincere. My commitment is to sincerity.

I don't believe that anybody has come to a conclusion on why something is funny. It's funny because it's ridiculous and it's ridiculous for different reasons at different times.

Funny things happen to you in movies for silly reasons.