Search Results For secret In Quotes 318

I feel that directors at times are like the janitors on the set. I am the secretary I am the organizer I am the maid and I ask if they have eaten or rested. The best things are always out of your control. It's those moments that surpass the imagination that are thrilling.

The face of nature and civilization in this our country is to a certain point a very sufficient literary field. But it will yield its secrets only to a really grasping imagination. To write well and worthily of American things one need even more than elsewhere to be a master.

I'll let you in on a secret: I can't stand Jay Ward. I hate being compared to Rocky and Bullwinkle. It's just a different style of humor.

The secret to humor is surprise.

The secret source of humor is not joy but sorrow there is no humor in Heaven.

Everything human is pathetic. The secret source of humor itself is not joy but sorrow. There is no humor in heaven.

The human body experiences a powerful gravitational pull in the direction of hope. That is why the patient's hopes are the physician's secret weapon. They are the hidden ingredients in any prescription.

The secret is not to give up hope. It's very hard not to because if you're really doing something worthwhile I think you will be pushed to the brink of hopelessness before you come through the other side.

In most of mankind gratitude is merely a secret hope of further favors.

Gratitude is merely the secret hope of further favors.

No I can tell you one of the first things that happens to a home secretary when they arrive in the job is that they are given a briefing about the security matters that they will be dealing with and I deal with security matters on a daily basis.

The people of Britain want a Home Secretary who will give them back their streets. They want a Home Secretary who will speak up for the victim not the criminal.

I was kind of secretly hoping one of my kids would go out and make a million bucks. So when they put me in a home at least I'll have a window with a view.

The secret of a successful marriage is not to be at home too much.

Secretly I'm a real big nerd. I'd rather stay home and play Scrabble than go to a Hollywood party any day of the week. And I love reading about history and watching the Discovery Channel.

Irish fiction is full of secrets guilty pasts divided identities. It is no wonder that there is such a rich tradition of Gothic writing in a nation so haunted by history.

History keeps her secrets longer than most of us. But she has one secret that I will reveal to you tonight in the greatest confidence. Sometimes there are no winners at all. And sometimes nobody needs to lose.

One of the consequences of the Iranian revolution has been an explosion of history. A country once known only from British consular reports and intrepid travelogues is now awash with historical documents letters diaries grainy video weblogs and secret police files of questionable authenticity.

If a secret history of books could be written and the author's private thoughts and meanings noted down alongside of his story how many insipid volumes would become interesting and dull tales excite the reader!

If we could read the secret history of our enemies we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility.

Study history study history. In history lies all the secrets of statecraft.

Nothing is more capable of troubling our reason and consuming our health than secret notions of jealousy in solitude.

It is the people who can do nothing who find nothing to do and the secret to happiness in this world is not only to be useful but to be forever elevating one's uses.

The secret of happiness is: Find something more important than you are and dedicate your life to it.