Search Results For sister In Quotes 151

Well I have a sister that I'm very close with and that relationship is probably the most intense relationship of my life to date probably of my life period.

Nobody ever seems to want my advice about serious stuff. People will be like: 'Who made that sweater?' Or 'How did you get your hair so straight?' They don't to come to me for the relationship advice or deep stuff. In fact my little sister actually hides from me.

I've been working on my relationship with my parents and my sister over the years.

Women are a sisterhood. They make common cause in behalf of the sex and indeed this is natural enough when we consider the vast power that the law gives us over them.

Politics is too partisan and sometimes patriotism is cast aside. Patriotism is honor and love of your country and your brothers and sisters. With politics I get the impression that it's all about what's good for the party and not necessarily what's good for the country.

Ayurveda is a sister philosophy to yoga. It is the science of life or longevity and it teaches about the power and the cycles of nature as well as the elements.

We forget that this music music made by my brothers and sisters is still a baby. It's just beginning. When I think of the possibilities it makes me smile.

You know all my songs are relatives brothers sisters cousins.

I do like strong women in my movies. I have five sisters so I've just grown up with that model.

My fans mean everything to me - especially the sisters! When you're on 'The View' or you're doing movies and stuff you're a little bit insulated. It means so much to me when a woman comes up to me and says 'Sherri you said what I feel.' That just means so much to me to know that I have that support.

Making movies was more a reaction to not being chosen for sports. Other kids were out there playing at whatever I was off making something blow up and filming it or making a mould of my sister's head using alginating plaster.

I like everything perfect. Everything has to be neat. My sister is 5 and she's more messy than I am. I make my bed every morning everything's perfect. My shoes are all arranged. It's sad. I'm a little like Ray a little bit.

Let me tell you sisters seeing dried egg on a plate in the morning is a lot dirtier than anything I've had to deal with in politics.

The worst part about pregnancy would definitely have to be my nausea. I don't know why it's just called morning sickness because morning sickness never just happened in the morning for me and it's not happening just in the morning for my sister.

I've been drawing my whole life. My mom says my sister and I were drawing by age 1. Animation seems a real natural extension of drawing as a way of telling a story visually.

I usually travel with a lot of people like my dad mom and sisters.

My earliest memory is seeing Michael Jackson in Melbourne with my sister when I was about ten. I still have this souvenir stick with a glove that would light up and make a peace sign in a bunch of different colors. I'm so happy my mom didn't throw that out.

When I was young I had two older sisters and since I was the youngest in my family my mom took me around with her all the time. I was forever with her when she was having coffee in the middle of the afternoon with her three sisters. And they would talk about men. I absorbed a lot of that.

My mom and dad put my brother and sister through university and they were very keen for us to have an academic background just to give us a chance.

My mom was the picture of the blue-collar mom: Two and three and four jobs to make sure that me and my sister never needed that was her thing.

I played with dolls until I was 15. My mother encouraged it because my older sister got married when she was 15 so Mom thought that the longer I stayed with dolls the better.

I've always wanted to be an actress ever since I was a little girl. I always played the mom and I played my sister as the daughter. I wanted to be an actress on television and movies instead of just around the house.

My very sassy older southern sister is very quick to point out that it's a luxury that my daughter gets to come to work with me. She does and I have lunch with her every single day. My mom says I have 'high class problems.'

My mom did costumes for the Pointer Sisters.