Search Results For space In Quotes 226

I think you just assume that your memory is just sort of a video playback of your experience but it's nothing like that at all. It's a complete refabrication of an event and a lot of it is made up because you're filling in spaces.

When I was 12 years old someone took me to see Martha Graham. It was nothing like what I thought of as serious dancing and even then I knew I was having a great experience. It was as if somebody was moving through space like no one ever did before.

Living in a rural setting exposes you to so many marvelous things - the natural world and the particular texture of small-town life and the exhilarating experience of open space.

We are increasingly likely to find ourselves in places with background music. No composers have thought to write for these modern spaces which represent 30% of our musical experience.

A fascinating challenge facing today's environmental movement is how to best approach the reversal of past decisions that altered once-pristine environmental spaces for the sake of urgent man-made needs.

I cherish the creation of public space and services especially health housing and the comprehensive education system which dared to give so many of us ideas 'above our station.'

What's got me excited about the education space is the growth of the Internet over the next 10 20 30 years.

The most important thing we can do is inspire young minds and to advance the kind of science math and technology education that will help youngsters take us to the next phase of space travel.

I would go to bed every night and have dreams about having a time machine and somehow I'd have the ability to move through time and space freely and save Anne Frank.

We need affordable space travel to inspire our youth to let them know that they can experience their dreams can set significant goals and be in a position to lead all of us to future progress in exploration discovery and fun. Thanks to the X Prize for the inspiration.

Throw your dreams into space like a kite and you do not know what it will bring back a new life a new friend a new love a new country.

Usually I design the lighting and when I have the physical set there I'm not good at going out loosely and saying 'Do you what you want give it to the editor and he'll figure it out.' I physically then walk on with the actors and I say 'Let's walk until you guys feel the space works for you and tell me when all that happens.'

How do you design it so that people can form a space of their own and feel quiet and contemplative?

There is no reason to design buildings that are more basic and rectilinear because with concrete you can cover almost any space.

After 1980 you never heard reference to space again. Surface the most convincing evidence of the descent into materialism became the focus of design. Space disappeared.

When I design buildings I think of the overall composition much as the parts of a body would fit together. On top of that I think about how people will approach the building and experience that space.

Sacred spaces can be created in any environment.

Over the past 50 years we got versions of X-ray specs and space vacations and even death rays. But the X-ray specs don't fit on your face - they're big things that screen your luggage for guns. Space vacations are real but they cost $20 million. We have death rays but you have to be a triple Ph.D. to play with them.

In my solitude I have pondered much on the incomprehensible subjects of space eternity life and death.

Work takes up a lot of my brain space. So when I work it's one thing. I don't have a lot of time to think about dating.

I loved climbing because of the freedom and having time and space. I remember coming off Everest for the last time thinking of Dad and wishing that he could have seen what I saw. He would have loved it.

A father and two sons run Adelphia. It's a cable company. And they took from that company a billion dollars. A billion. Three people - three people took a billion dollars. What were they gonna do start their own space program? 'Let's send the monkey to Mars Dad!'

We found out the Gemini spacesuit was well oxygen was flowing to keep me cool as well as to breathe and it wasn't good enough. My visor got fogged.

Cool things happen. Ace's guitar flies through space goes through a hole and blows up. I throw drumsticks and they come flying at you.