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How is the world ruled and led to war? Diplomats lie to journalists and believe these lies when they see them in print.

I'm not pretty. The truth is I didn't think I could be a model at all. I was looking at some of the guys on the walls at Irene Marie and I thought to myself 'Jesus Christ. I can't do this. I don't look anything like these guys'.

The truth is that I oppose the Iraq war just as I opposed the Vietnam War because these two conflicts have weakened the U.S. and diminished our standing in the world and our national security.

Light is meaningful only in relation to darkness and truth presupposes error. It is these mingled opposites which people our life which make it pungent intoxicating. We only exist in terms of this conflict in the zone where black and white clash.

Eternal truth eternal righteousness eternal love these only can triumph for these only can endure.

Every day I try to do breathing exercises meditation and yoga. These things sound awfully cliche but they help me slow down and try to point to a truth.

So far as hypotheses are concerned let no one expect anything certain from astronomy which cannot furnish it lest he accept as the truth ideas conceived for another purpose and depart from this study a greater fool than when he entered it.

I think it better that in times like these a poet's mouth be silent for in truth we have no gift to set a statesman right.

It is only a man's own fundamental thoughts that have truth and life in them. For it is these that he really and completely understands. To read the thoughts of others is like taking the remains of someone else's meal like putting on the discarded clothes of a stranger.

I have the terrible feeling that because I am wearing a white beard and am sitting in the back of the theatre you expect me to tell you the truth about something. These are the cheap seats not Mount Sinai.

Truth is so obscure in these times and falsehood so established that unless we love the truth we cannot know it.

Those thoughts are truth which guide us to beneficial interaction with sensible particulars as they occur whether they copy these in advance or not.

It's a complete lie why do people buy these papers? It's not the truth I'm here to say. You know don't judge a person do not pass judgement unless you have talked to them one on one. I don't care what the story is do not judge them because it is a lie.

Because Microsoft seems to sometimes not trust customer choice they salt XP with all these little gizmos and trap doors to get people to try Microsoft stuff. But the reality is that we're downloading more players than we ever have on a worldwide basis.

Writing doesn't come real easy to me. I couldn't write a novel in a year. It wouldn't be readable. I don't let an editor even look at it until the second year because it would just scare them. I just have to trust that all these scraps and dead-ends will find a way.

We've got to trust the politicians with these decisions.

Institutions develop because people put a lot of trust in them they meet real needs they represent important aspirations whether it's monasteries media or banks people begin by trusting these institutions and gradually the suspicion develops that actually they're working for themselves not for the community.

What I've learned in these 11 years is you just got to stay focused and believe in yourself and trust your own ability and judgment.

These are very subtle things of course and I don't expect everyone to pick them up consciously but I think that there is something there that you must be able to feel there is an energy at work that I must trust my audience will be able to pick up at some level.

Young people these days don't trust anything at all. They want to be free.

I know it when I don't know it. Sometimes I know it when I don't think I know it. I need to trust myself in these moments these rare moments of self-doubt.

I can trust my friends These people force me to examine myself encourage me to grow.

I grew up skateboarding it was fun. I didn't think about money I didn't know how much professional skateboarders made. I just knew that if I became a professional skateboarder I would achieve a lot and get to travel and do these great things.

I don't like to travel as much as I have in the past but it's good for my soul to get to pick especially with these good musicians and these guys that play so well.