Search Results For times In Quotes 1330

I count myself well educated for the admirable woman at the head of the school which I attended from the age of four and a half till I was thirteen and a half was a born teacher in advance of her own times.

As a teacher myself I've been in situations where parents come at you and sometimes parents come across like the teacher doesn't want the best for their kid and it can be really really hurtful.

There happened to be guitar classes at the college and there was a guitar teacher there with whom I used to play. In addition I also would go out into country schools and teach little kids basic guitar and singing a few times a week.

Ask everyone whether they're an actor or a doctor or a teacher or whatever is entitled to his or her opinion. But unfortunately because actors are in the public eye whether we want it or not sometimes our opinions carry more weight or influence than they deserve.

From a very early age my wife and I told our son that there are times and places for everything. I told him look when you're in class you have to be quiet and listen to your teacher but when you go out to the playground you can scream and be silly.

It is worth while too to warn the teacher that undue severity in correcting faults is liable at times to discourage a boy's mind from effort.

Advice is sometimes transmitted more successfully through a joke than grave teaching.

The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called 'truth'.

I didn't feel any remorse or sympathy if I injured a rival. I went over the top a few times but I never broke anyone's leg.

Okay so sometimes in life I can be a score-keeper - someone who keeps track of what he gives and what he gets in return. An annoying quality to say the least and I'm sure my wife has your sympathy but it's made me highly attuned to when and where credit is due.

There's something very beautiful and compelling about someone who has ambition and someone who knows what they want but it can get a little frustrating at times so I understand that. I have sympathy for that.

I sometimes get that wonderful sympathy between me and the audience telling me I've reached their hearts. And when I do the thrill is mine.

Interest does not tie nations together it sometimes separates them. But sympathy and understanding does unite them.

A sorrow's crown of sorrow is remembering happier times.

I have sometimes been wildly despairingly acutely miserable racked with sorrow but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.

Girlfriend and 100 Percent Fun were my two peeks around '92 and '96. The reality is that the times I had the most media success sold lots of records and played bigger shows I had the least control of my own life.

People of mediocre ability sometimes achieve outstanding success because they don't know when to quit. Most men succeed because they are determined to.

Sometimes success comes in ways you don't expect.

We just want to win. That's the bottom line. I think a lot of times people may become content with one championship or a little bit of success but we don't really reflect on what we've done in the past. We focus on the present.

Success sometimes can really bite you in the shorts.

I mean we are tribal by nature and sometimes success and material wealth can divide and separate - it's not a new philosophy I'm sharing - more than hardship hardship tends to unify.

Sometimes because of my success I am afraid that I was not a good father. With the first two I was too strong and with the other three I was too weak.

Sometimes success will get in the way of maturity - at least temporarily.

The most absurd and reckless aspirations have sometimes led to extraordinary success.