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Having contemplated this admirable grove I proceeded towards the shrubberies on the banks of the river and though it was now late in December the aromatic groves appeared in full bloom.

Music is an extraordinary vehicle for expressing emotion - very powerful emotions. That's what draws millions of people towards it. And um I found myself always going for these darker places and - people identify with that.

I do sort of gravitate towards smaller indie-type movies.

Movies can and do have tremendous influence in shaping young lives in the realm of entertainment towards the ideals and objectives of normal adulthood.

If we know that our own men are in a condition to attack but are unaware that the enemy is not open to attack we have gone only halfway towards victory.

Civilized society is perpetually menaced with disintegration through this primary hostility of men towards one another.

You can forgive people who do not follow you through a philosophical disquisition but to find your wife laughing when you had tears in your eyes or staring when you were in a fit of laughter would go some way towards a dissolution of the marriage.

Strictly speaking my interest is not in legal rights for animals but in a change of heart towards animals.

The first step towards knowledge is to know that we are ignorant.

There tends to be a jealousy in England towards countries that are successful.

When AI approximates Machine Intelligence then many online and computer-run RPGs will move towards actual RPG activity. Nonetheless that will not replace the experience of 'being there ' any more than seeing a theatrical motion picture can replace the stage play.

I definitely gravitate towards quality genre projects and genre of any kind whether it's science fiction horror or really anything. I'm just drawn to quality. I don't think 'Darkness Falls' is horror there isn't any gore by any stretch of the imagination.

I hope we will not so characterize religious people as being so narrow and so biased towards people not of their own religion that they cannot even work with them in this common cause to which you say they are committed.

One thing that being a scientist has taught me is that you can never be certain about anything. You never know the truth. You can only approach it and hope to get a bit nearer to it each time. You iterate towards the truth. You don't know it.

With the theatre your whole day is geared towards the evening's show and that's the job. People usually go to work about 9 and come home around 5 or maybe 7.

I actually do think you're seeing this trend towards organizations just caring more about their brand and engaging. And so I think Home Depot will want to humanize itself. I think that's a lot of why companies are starting blogs are just giving more insight into what's going on with them.

The path towards a free society has not been simple. There are tragic and glorious pages in our history.

In the history of the treatment of depression there was the dunking stool purging of the bowels of black bile hoses attempts to shock the patient. All of these represent hatred or aggression towards what depression represents in the patient.

One state retiree 49 years old paid over the course of his entire career a total of $124 000 towards his retirement pension and health benefits. What will we pay him? $3.3 million in pension payments over his life and nearly $500 000 for health care benefits - a total of $3.8m on a $120 000 investment.

It contributes greatly towards a man's moral and intellectual health to be brought into habits of companionship with individuals unlike himself who care little for his pursuits and whose sphere and abilities he must go out of himself to appreciate.

All the evidence that we have indicates that it is reasonable to assume in practically every human being and certainly in almost every newborn baby that there is an active will toward health an impulse towards growth or towards the actualization.

Getting married for me was the best thing I ever did. I was suddenly beset with an immense sense of release that we have something more important than our separate selves and that is the marriage. There's immense happiness that can come from working towards that.

Happiness comes when we test our skills towards some meaningful purpose.

In theory there is a possibility of perfect happiness: To believe in the indestructible element within one and not to strive towards it.